Power Point Exercise:

Goal: Create a 3 slide powerpoint using the Master Slide, animations with start options and hyperlinks. See list of requirements below. Your presentation will include the topic of your final web project.

How to Start:

Use the video: See this video for a guide, but be sure to make the first slide the topic of your final web project and make a bullet for each page you plan to place on your site.


Use the step by step instructions below

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Place any picture on the master slide and change default bullet color
    1. view / slide master
    2. on the top layout template, insert a picture
    3. Highlight the first bullet. Change the font to a different color.
    4. view / normal to go back to editing the slides in your power point
  2. On Slide 1, write the topic of your final web project.
  3. On Slide 2, write 3 bullets listing some pages you plan for your final project website, and then animate them to show with one click
    1. find the animation pane using animation / animation pane or Slideshow / animation pane
    2. animate 3 bullets
    3. click on the second animated bullet and change start to "with previous"
    4. repeat on the third animation
  4. On Slide 3, create a link to the first page.
    1. type "go to beginning"
    2. highlight the words and click insert / hyperlink
    3. click "place in this document"
    4. click the title of the first page.
    5. click ok
    6. slideshow / view show and click on the hyperlink
  5. Upload the powerpoint to moodle.

    List of Requirements: