Our Story
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Contact Us

FC Hegarty Soccer Shop is here for you, the customer. We want to make sure everyone has the best experience possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding equipment, classes, or use of our indoor facility.
        1. Looking for something specific, but can't find it? We will be happy to order and merchandise for you that we do not have available directly in our store.
    Contact Lisa Fernandez for any merchandise or equipment questions.
    Tel: (516) 555-1234
        2. Want to learn more about the game of soccer and practice your skills? Our classes and training sessions are the perfect place.

            Contact José Mendez for any questions on classes.
            Tel: (516) 555-7890
         3. We are always looking for experienced and passionate soccer lovers to come join our team. If you would like to apply for a position at our shop, please send your resume to
             Paul Gallo.

            E-mail: paulgallo1@mail.adelphi.edu
            Tel: (516) 555-4567