Baruch College
Brooklyn College
Kingsborough Community College
New York University
University at Albany
University at Buffalo


Many schools have shows and special events where singers and actors/actresses come and perfor. University at Buffalo is one of the few schools to have Colm Wilkinson come and perform songs from his Broadway musicals. He is just one of the various talents that come to Buffalo to share his passion for music. One of the many perks of being a student at Buffalo is watching the many talented people of this world come and go. Very few schools can offer the joy of seeing someone as Colm Wilkinson or anyone else who is as talented. The discovery of yourself can start with the discovery of someone else. Our 202,240 alumni live in every state and in 130 countries around the world. Among our celebrated graduates: NASA’s lead astronaut for medical issues, the Minister for Higher Education in the People’s Republic of China, the founder of Miramax Films, the Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist.

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One of the best things about UB is the cost. SUNY is starting to become a common interest of many NYS students due to the cheap cost and high availability of financial aid. UB is an amazing school that can provide any student with the necessary tools to do whatever it is they want to. As many schools do, the SAT or ACT is required when applying. It is a well-rounded school that can meet the needs of any student that chooses to attend.