Early Life
Famous Quotes

Early Life

Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30th, 1853 in a small town in the Netherlands. He was the oldest of his siblings to survive and was named after his grandfather, Vincent, who was a very successful scholar. As a child, Van Gogh was very serious and very thoughtful towards his family. His passion for art started at a very young age after his parents sent him to a private middle school where he became extremely unhappy. His mother was the one who encouraged his artworks, and at this middle school, he was taught by a Constantijn C. Huysmans. Huysmans was a very successful painter in Paris during the early 1800's. However, this did little to ensure his happiness and he returned home in 1868. He expressed his childhood as "austere and cold and sterile".

As Van Gogh grew older, he grew more invested in his paintings. He began working from life and has his first exhibit of his first group of legit works in 1885. That exhibit consisted of his first major work "The Potato Eaters" in which a dealer became interested and bought from him soon after.

His depression grew stronger as he reached his artistic peak. He began to drink very heavily and was hospitalized from February to March in 1886.  After his recovery, and despite his antipathy towards academic teaching, he took the higher-level admission exams at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, and in January 1886 matriculated in painting and drawing. He became ill and run down by overwork, poor diet and excessive smoking.

The artist began attending different drawing and modeling classes at the Academy of Fine Arts where he quickly caused trouble due to his unique painting style. Many of his mentors and teachers started to clash with him and his obscure ideas and methods. Rumor has it that Van Gogh was kicked out of the Arts in the end of 1886 in which he then moved to Paris. Here he acquired a brighter color scheme and more inspiration for his pieces. He held two more exhibits to show his works but kept his impressionist style.

In December of 1888, Van Gogh was hospitalized for the mutilation of his ear. The events that led to such an act are still unknown. The wound was bandaged and his ear wrapped in paper and delivered to a prostitute at a local brothel he usually attended. Van Gogh did no remember the event at all. Police said that Van Gogh suffered from an acute mental breakdown. Because of the events, the artist was placed in hospital care. During his time here, he painted some of his most famous pieces including his Iris paintings and Starry Night, which some say showed the view from his hospital room. He seemed to be getting better but in February and April of 1890, he suffered a huge relapse and was unable to write or even paint.

On July 27th, 1890. the 37 year old painter shot himself in the chest. There was no witnesses and he survived for over 30 hours after the attempt. His final words were "The sadness will last forever".


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