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Health and Wellness
Student Resources
Technology Ideas for PE

This site helps you plan a healthy diet for yourself  by making healthy food choices.  This tool also assists in accessing your decisions about the proper calorie intake and how to get the most nutrition out of what you eat.

2. offers easy access to the top food and nutrition information that the federal government provides. You can gain access to reliable information and facts about nutrition, how to eat healthy, what types of physical activity you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle and also food safety for consumers.

Provides fun, educational activities and information about nutrition for children, teenagers, parents and teachers.  For the parents the site shows how to help guide their children to a nutritional diet; including some recipes they may try. For the teachers the site provides some fun teaching tools they may want to use to educate their students on nutrition. Lastly for the kids and teenagers the site provides some interactive, fun, and education games dealing with nutrition.

This site provides an activity calorie calculator and a fitness library.  The Calorie Calculator calculates the number of calories you burn for the amount of time you participate in an activity.  The Fitness Library provides useful information about nutrition, managing your weight, and getting active and staying active.
This site assists you on choosing the right foods to loose weight, control diabetes, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, fight arthritis and increase your energy levels. 

Health and Wellness

KidsHealth provides reliable health and nutrition information about children from before birth through adolescence. This site has separate areas for kids, teens, and parents each with its own design, maturity level content and tone.  It also includes such features as informative articles, animations, games, and resources  developed by experts in the health of children and teens. 

This site challenges individuals , communities, and professionals to take specific steps to ensure good health and a long and healthy life.

3. is a Federal Web site for consumers, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The site holds several resources for finding the best health and human services information on the Internet. 


This site helps educate adolescents about the effects of drug abuse on the body and the brain.  It provides information about all different types of drugs and its effects on your body as well as your health and ultimately your life.  The site was produced by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health. 5.
This site provides people with useful information and tips on just about everything pertaining to health and wellness.  It includes dieting and nutrition tips, cardio and strength training tips, and it also informs people about certain types of medical conditions due to unhealthy lifestyles and how to prevent them from occurring.


This is the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

This is for health and physical educators.  It gives appropriate physical education programs for children and youth, and is a good tool to assist PE instructors.

This is the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

This site is the American Heart Association web page and illustrates the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and ways get involved with the community to assist in erasing money for the Association.

This is the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation site which promotes meaningful physical activity and recreation throughout a persons lifespan.  It illustrates ways in which someone can maintain a healthy, physically active lifestyle throughout the years and doesn't put a limit on one's capabilities due to their age.

Student Resources

LOG IT is the fun and exciting pedometer step logging program for kids. Its beneficial for all levels of development and maturity from elementary students to middle school students.  Students are taught how to use a pedometer so that they can log their physical activity steps & miles and they can walk across the USA with their classmates.

Get Active Stay Active is a site to get you moving. It's a fun, easy program for teachers and students to track their physical activity and enjoy the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition Explorations is a fun, informative, and educational site where kids can learn about nutrition, play interactive educational games about healthy foods and diets and learn why its important to eat right.

The PE Central; Challenge is a program that helps kids learn skills such as throwing and catching and it encourages kids to work together and cooperate. The site or the challenge encourages students to practice a number of the motor skills that are typically taught in physical education classes.

Kids Quiz is a fun, daily trivia quiz designed for kids between the ages of 8 and 18. After a teacher registers your school, kids are provided with a daily trivia quiz question about nutrition, health, physical activity, sports, and a host of other topics and trivia.

Technology Ideas for PE


The Cateye GameBike is a new innovative video game controller where you control every movement on the screen with your own body movement. With the GameBike you control steering, speed, turns, and strategy which allows you to stay physically active while having fun and competing against your friends in the comfort of your own home. The GameBike changes the way traditional gaming is played into a truly interactive experience.

Wii Fit is a combination of fitness and fun to work towards personal goals of better health.   Its a Revolutionary tool that changes the way you think about exercise, balance, and movement.  You can gain a better perspective on life and take a step to better health in the comfort of your own home with Wii Fit.

PE Manager software is a portable comprehensive data collection and grading tool designed specifically for Physical Education. PE Manager provides physical educators with a time saving, flexible method to collect, analyze and report on daily activities including attendance, attire, performance, attitude and skill rubrics. PE Teachers can also record test scores and create unlimited number of rubrics with unlimited skills and scores per rubric.
The Nike iPod allows a person to utilize his or her iPod Nano as a personal trainer.  First there is a sensor that is put into the sole of your nike sneaker where it gives you feedback on your workout.The sensor measures your activity and wirelessly transfers it into your iPod.

The Makoto Sports Arena is a triangular target arena that delivers both aerobic and neurological benefits that is ideal for any age group or ability level. Makoto combines exercise with the proven science of Sensory Integration therapy to improve neurological and physical performance. It increases the neurological connections between the brain and the body resulting in improved focus, reaction time and overall coordination and performance.

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This page was designed and published by Jessica Ricotta and is solely responsible for its contents.
Last Updated May 11, 2008.