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The summoner has a career too. First, you won’t always play the same hero, so get more. IP points can be used to purchase heroes in the shop. You can also convert money to Riot Points that will let you purchase heroes as well as skins. But remember: you can play this game for free. Money doesn’t buy you skill or talent, it only buys you time and comfort.

When you have acquired enough experience points you pass a level. For each level, you gain one mastery point and one rune slot. Masteries are used to reinforce your hero passively. They can be reset anytime before the game starts. So choose carefully, and test. Know which mastery increases your skill, or your summoner’s spells. And don’t forget to have a personalisation for each of your heroes.

Board of masteries

Rune are bought in the shop for IP points. Some says that it’s useless to buy runes before level twenty. It’s your choice, but should you buy them before, know that you can exchange some low level runes for higher ones.

Runes panel

After reaching the thirtieth level, you are eligible for ranked games. In there you will be dragged to a new type of battle. Hero selection is restricted, the enemy team can deny you some heroes, and you will never find the same hero on both teams. Be prepared!

Rank tiers