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RULES: The rules of basketball are pretty basic. There will be 5 players on each team. We will play 10 minute halves. As the games go on, the students will pass the basketball to the other members on their team in order to get close to the basket and score.

GAME 1: Knock out. The students will line up on the foul line. The first two students online will have a basketball. When the teacher says "Go,"  the first student will try to make a basket. Immediately after their first shot, the following student will shoot their basketball. If the  first student makes the basket before the second students, the will throw the basketball to the next person on line, allowing them to shoot. If the second student makes their basket before the first student, the first student is "OUT" and both balls will be passed to the next two players on the line and the game will continue.. But, the second student will return to the back of the line, while the first student sits on the side to wait for the next game to begin.

GAME 2: Around the world. The students will begin on the "lay-up" block on the right side of the basket. The first student on the line will shoot the basket. If the make it, they will advance to the next spot marked on the court. The students will shoot until they miss. If the student makes it all around the key without missing, they are the winner. If they miss the shot, they can hold their spot until their next turn. If a shot is missed, the students are allowed to chance it. If the chanced shot is missed again, they must go to the end of the line and on their next turn, start from the beginning again.

RULES: The rules of badminton are pretty simple. Like tennis, the players will volley until the birdie hits the ground. The players will serve the birdie underhand and have a volley with the player that they are versing. The first player to reach 11 points is the winner of the game.

GAME 1: Ruler of the court. The students will verse each other. the first students to allow the birdie to hit the ground, must get off the court. The winning student will remain the the court. The next student on line will take the place of the student that recently got off, and verse the student that remains. This will continue until all students get a chance to play and one student remains. That student will be the RULER OF THE COURT.

GAME 2: Two V. Two. This game has the same rules as badminton. The only twist is, there are two players on each team. One student will serve first, and serve until they lose a point. the nest team will now serve. Once the first team get the chance to serve again, the next player on the team will serve. And the game will continue on.

RULES: Racquetball can be played with 2-4 players. It will be in a confined space with four wall surrounding. the student will try to hit the racquetball with their racket and reach the front wall. Like tennis, the ball cannot bounce more than once before hitting it. The ball also cannot bounce before hitting the wall. students will be allowed to hit the other walls to allow the ball to reach the front wall, but again, the ball cannot bounce before hitting the front wall.

GAME 1: Round Robin. This game is played with three players. One student will serve the ball, and play against the other 2 students. 3 v 1. The students will volley until the serving student loses a point. If the students continues to win point, they will continue to serve. Once the student misses a point another student will perform the same action. once they miss a point, the final student will do the same. first student to reach 11 points wins.

GAME 2: One On One. This game has the same rules of the round robin game. Only there is two players. The student will serve the ball and the players will volley until the serving player loses a point. Once the point is lost, the next student will serve and the game will continue as it did. First player to get 11 points wins.

RULES: This game is a fun game for all ages. The students will line up in front of a wall. the first player will serve the dodge ball to the wall. the next student will hit the ball allowing it to hit the wall as well. This will continue until a student is unable to reach the ball or the wall. If the ball is hit high enough and the student cannot reach it, they are allowed to go under the ball, scream "Watermelon" and force the next player online to get the ball and try to hit the wall.

GAME 1: Sudden Death. This game is played with 2 students. They will play with the same rules of water melon but this game is tough because they can use the whole wall and there is only two students playing. The first student to win best of five games is the winner of sudden death.

GAME 2: Double Game. This time, two games will be going on, on the same wall. The students will be split up into two lines, and they will play their own game. The catch is, they must follow their own ball. If a student disrupts the other game in progress, they are out.

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Last Updated: 5/14/08