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Health and Wellness
Resources for Students
Resources for Parents
Technology Ideas for
Physical Education

Health and Wellness

Fit and Healthy Schools
This website gives in formation about Health and fitness in schools. It is committed to improving student and parent awareness of the need for physical activity and proper nutrition.

Marathon Kids
This website is a free, eleven-year-old, trademarked, incremental, school and community based fitness program. It is a six month endurance-building running/walking, nutrition and schoolyard gardening project for K-5th graders and their families.

Eating Healthy
This website article show ways that students and parents can engage in healthy eating. It shows how people in general can change their attitudes toward food.

This website shows just how important wellness is in one's life. It shows different ways to be healthy and live a well, healthy life.

This website also shows different ways to live a healthy life. It give recopies to cook delicious, yet healthy food to place in one's diet.


Diabetic Exchange Diet

This website gives students with diabetes good advise on how to eat properly. This article is approved by the ADA. The American Diabetes Association

Best Type of Candy For You
This website shows a good idea for which candy should be taken in. If a student enjoys candy, this is the best type of candy to be taken in by a child who truly enjoys candy.

Healthy Diet Plan

This article shows good good diet plans to reduce one's food intake. Taking in too much food at one sitting is not healthy. This article will help a student manage their food intake.

Nutrition Benefit From Eating Carrots
This article show how important vegetable are in one's diet. This article focuses on one's intake of carrots and how important their are in our daily diet.

5 Healthy Ways to Eat Bread
Eating beard is not very healthy. but, this article will show healthy way to eat the wheat that is putting on the pounds.


This page gives information about the AAHPERD organization. This website was established to give a clear incite on what this organization is involved with and how they go about their physical standards.

This page gives information about the NASPE organization. This website gives an idea of what this organization does, and how it is helpful in the physical education community.


This page give information about the AAHE. American Association of Health Education. This website show the important of this organization.

This websites shows the importance of the National association for girls and women in sports. This organization is important in out society today.

This organization deals with the National Dace Association. It shows the imporance of dance in physical education and being healthy.

Resources for Students

P.E. Central
This website offers information about physical education. It allows a person to buy certain physical education products and gives information about physical education in the media. It is a great source to get information about physical education.

Sports Media
This website gives information to all people interested in physical education. whether it be coaches, students, or actual physical education teachers.

The Importance of Physical Education
This article shows how important it is to partake in physical education classes. It show how a person will be more healthy and live a better lifestyle but taking part in physical education class.

Kidz Quiz

This quiz if to be taken bythe students. It features trivia questions about health, nutrition,sports, etc. This is for the students to enjoy learning in physical education class.

PEC Challenge
This challenge is for the students to partake in. It will test just how well they show off their skills in physical education. This challange is mainly for students in the 4th and 5th grades.

Resources for Parents

 Are your children picky eaters?
This website help parents plan recopies for their children. This is for children who do not eat much, or who eat a lot of one thing. This will help for a variety of idea to give your children.

How to make you child eat vegetables.
Children aren't eating enough vegetable? With this article, a parent will learn how how to able your child to enjoy the healthiest food that they can eat.

Is your child eating enough vegetables?
This article will let a parent know if their child is eating enough vegetables. Vegetable are very important to take in, so this article will help parents guide their children to eat more vegetables.

Children's Nutrition
This article will show different thing that a child could eat to have healthy nutrition. Good nutrition is important for a growing child, and they should eat that is right.

Technology Ideas for Physical Education

Nike I-Pod

This website gives information about the Nike I-Pod. This new technology, put out by with the collaboration between Nike and Apple, puts a new spin on running and working out.

Cateye Game Bike
This website give information about an in-home bicycle for kids. Along with playing a video game, children can also receive a physical work-out, with the movements of riding a bicycle.

Dance Dance Revolution
This New York Times article tells how this gaming devise gets children physically fit in the class room. This can also be used at home for a fitness aspect for children.

Nintendo Wii Fit
This article shows just how great this new game for Nintendo Wii is. This new game allows children to play a video game as well as take part in heavy physical tasks while playing the game. It keeps children fit as well and happy while enjoying playing the video game.

Makoto Sports Arena

This video shows just how intense this game is. It allows the children to have fun and try new things along with working out and being physicall active at the same time.

This ia a child playing with the Makoto Sports Arena

This is a screen to the game Dace Dace Revolution

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Last Updated: 5/14/08