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Place an order Contact


 Follow these steps to place an order:

1. Look through the pictures we have on our website or you can pick any other pictures from online.
2. Take a picture of the pieces you want to order.
3. Email us your jewelry piece choices.
4. Be sure to add your name and address in the email so we can email you back with a confirmation
5. Once we email you back confirming your order we will send a Pay-pal link where you click and pay
6. After that is done your order will be processed and you will receive it in the next couple of days. (up to 10 business days)

Click here to find more jewelry ideas on this website! 

 It's that simple!

 Just take a picture of the piece you like and email us your picks at: Jewels@gmail.com!
(Click the email to place an order!)

** Any of these pieces can be ordered in any color you choose to pick.
** We will send shipping cost when we confirm your order.

We also can customize jewelry. Email us to learn more!

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