Welcome to My Psychology of Women Homepage from Yester Year :-) at Adelphi University

Barbara R Morgan

see: http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/

31 Mar, 2008 last update

Here are some of my Students Contributions from the course: A good starting point
Go here for
quotes from women for everyone
Here for a short quote from Jane Goodall on taking care of our planet
Here for a wonderful poem about Native women from the Vancouver Islands
Here for a short poem on sisterhood from one of my students

How to help if domestic violence is suspected (what you can do)

Current news from Maine: Environmental Writers' Conference - Rachel Carson & Beatrix Potter will be honored: Environmental Conference
About Rachel Carson: Many people know of her book, "The Silent Spring", parts of which first appeared in the Yorker magazine in June, 1962. Carson, a marine biologist, was already battling cancer as she was completing her indictment of DDT. This book and her other work survives her to this day. My mom loved The Sea Around Us, talked about it at the dinner table. Rachel Carson died of cancer in 1964 at age 57, my mom four years later,
For laughter plus courage, remember Gilda Radner (so many smiles!)
If only this, plus wisdom could truly cure all of us. Radner died of ovarian cancer in 1989. She said many funny funny things including this:
I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch. :-))

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