Advice from the Nonviolent Alternatives Counseling Services 1997

Don't just stand something!

     This page is geared toward women because the majority of domestic
    violence is perpetrated against women. It is important to emphasize,
      however, that violence occurs to others as well, and is equally
     Do you know someone in a battering relationship? Do you suspect a
   friend, relative, or someone you know is being abused? If so, don't be
    afraid to offer help... you just might save someone's life. Here are
   some basic steps you can take to assist someone who may be a target of
                             domestic violence.
    Approach her in an understanding, non-blaming way. Tell her that she
    is not alone, that there are many women like her in the same kind of
     situation, and that it takes strength to survive and trust someone
                      enough to talk about battering.
     Acknowledge that is it scary and difficult to talk about domestic
      violence. Tell her she doesn't deserve to be threatened, hit or
     beaten. Nothing she can do or say makes the abuser's violence OK.
         Share information. Show her the Warning List, Violence and
   Non-Violence Wheels. Discuss the dynamics of violence and how abuse is
                        based on power and control.
   Support her as a friend. Be a good listener. Encourage her to express
    her hurt and anger. Allow her to make her own decisions, even if it
          means she isn't ready to leave the abusive relationship.
   Ask if she has suffered physical harm. Go with her to the hospital to
   check for injuries. Help her report the assault to the police, if she
                             chooses to do so.
     Provide information on help available to battered women and their
     children, including social services, emergency shelter, counseling
    services, and legal advice. To find this information, start with the
                               Yellow Pages.
     Inform her about legal protection that is available in most states
     under abuse prevention laws. Go with her to district, probate, or
   superior court to get a protective order to prevent further harassment
           by the abuser. If you can't go, find someone who can.
    Plan safe strategies for leaving an abusive relationship. These are
      often called "safety plans." Never encourage someone to follow a
      safety plan that she believes will put her at further risk. And
   remember that she may not feel comfortable taking these materials with