What is global warming?
What are some of the affects caused by it?
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What is Global Warming?

        Global warming, or the climate change, is the increase of the average temperature of the world mainly caused by the human consumption. The increase of the temperature has many affects on us, our nature, and all the creatures living in it.
cartoon global warming


        The graph below shows how the temperature of the global surface has rising as the time passes and how its affected by the impact of people. As you can see, the natural drivers are affecting the global temperature inconsistently and the temperature is usually under 0 Celsius. However, the human drivers has affected the temperature so much that the whole curve started to shift up. In over 40 years, the temperature of the world has risen of 1 Celsius, which is a big increase compared to the previous years.
        We have to take an action and pass in front of the global warming and the disasters that is causing. If not, we will face very difficult times in the future.

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