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Favorite Quotes

Tasha to Ghost- "It only starts a war if they know you did it."

"Simply put, if no one really understood the meaning of the nickname 'Ghost', Tasha laid it out on the table. It was from that point on, we saw Ghost make many power moves, all while being the background and one step ahead of his adversaries. While encountering slip-ups, Ghost proved he was a man of many actions, even in the shadows" (Pen 2015).

Ghost to Angela- "Angie, i need you to be strong for me. Everything else falling apart around us, we gotta be strong for each other."

"Many aspects of James (Ghost) and Angela's relationship were not only unconventional but met many tests throughout the season. What was proved time and time again through the 10 episode season is that the foundation of the relationship was strong. Even with lies and betrayal and putting what they loved the most at risk, the dedication to each other was the clear winner as they go into season 3 facing major opposition" (Pen 2015).

Kanan to Ghost- "Come on man. Ain't no friends out here in these streets."

"What makes this quote so amazing is that Kanan was clearly telling Ghost to not trust him, as if Ghost didn't already know that. Even greater than that, that quote could substantially sum up the theme of the season as the backstabbing and deceit were at an all-time high from Kanan's ruthless ways in killing his son, Shawn, from those working with Ghost turning on him on by one. Without a doubt, the lack of trust was prevalent.

Kanan to Tommy- "Your friends betray you, cut them, don't think twice."

- "This is a written rule, the moment you sense betrayal amongst your friends, you cut ties with them immediately. Don't give them any more opportunities to stab you in the back, you might not survive. Kanan knows it was Ghost who set him up which led him to serve ten years in prison. In the drug world, the only thing that equals to "cutting ties" after betrayal happens is murder" (Pen 2015).

Tommy to Ghost- "Far as I'm concerned the kid (Dre) is 100. Kanan spoke for him and he was right like always"

- "Once again, as seen as plenty of times since Kanan come home, Tommy shows how loyal he is and how much he trusts Kana along with his word. This is also ironic as when the episodes go on especially in the last episode (season finale), Dre showed how "100" he is by putting a gun to Tommy's head when he and Ghost stood toe to toe as no longer being friends with guns to each other face" (Pen 2015).