Pro/Con Website ~ Arguments For My Position

My position is: Due to the worldwide popularity of Social Networking, medical professionals should have access to their patients accounts to assess their health and provide them with better treatments that complement their lifestyles, while using SNS to further their own medical training.


Arguments for my position:
Argument #1: Social networking sites are an efficient platform for students to share and learn information from.
Argument #2: Response time to certain situations could be more convenient if medical professionals had access to their patients' SNS pages, where many post about how they are feeling or what they are doing.
Argument #3: Diagnoses could be less general and better tailored to an individual's lifestyle, since medical professionals can gain a lot of knowledge about their patient from their SNS pages.


Fahimi, F. (2018). Social media: an innovative and effective tool for educational and

research purposes of the pharmaceutical and medical professionals. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 17(3), 801-803. Retrieved from 

Grover, S., Garg, B., & Sood, N. (2020). Introduction of case-based learning aided by whatsapp messenger in pathology teaching for medical students. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 66(1), 17-22. doi:10.2103/jpgm.JPGM_2_19

           Database: Academic Search Complete

Lyons, C.L. (2019, July 12). Suicide crisis. CQ Researcher, 29, 1-60. Retrieved from


Maughan, D., & Economou, A. (2015). Social networking sites: a clinical dilemma? Journal of Medical Ethics, 41(2), 203-205. Retrieved from