Dungeon Quest D6
created by Lee Stemkoski
copyright © 2022; all rights reserved

Game Icons


Dungeon Quest D6 is a solitaire, role-playing, dungeon-crawling game that emulates a simplified Dungeons-and-Dragons-style experience. You play the role of an adventurer on a journey through caves and caverns, collecting weapons and battling monsters, as you search for three magical gems. The game uses a single six-sided die and a "Narrative Card System": a set of cards that track all game-related values and contain descriptive text for immersive gameplay. The rules are quick to learn and games typically last 10-20 minutes.

Entered into the BoardGameGeek.com 2022 Solitaire Print-and-Play Game Design Contest.

Visit the work-in-progress webpage; includes design notes and feedback.

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Game Icons