Pi Mu Epsilon - New York Xi chapter


Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc., an honorary national mathematics society, was founded on May 25, 1914 at Syracuse University. It is a non-secret organization, whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among the students in academic institutions and among the staffs of qualified non-academic institutions.

Contact info

Pi Mu Epsilon - New York Xi
Attn: Dr. Sven Dietrich
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Alumnae Hall Room 111
Garden City, NY 11530-0701
Phone: +1-516-877-4480
Fax: +1-516-877-4499


President-at-large: Sven Dietrich
Faculty-on-site-contact: Robert E. Bradley
Administrative contact: Marie Glass


The New York Xi Chapter is the 103rd, and was founded in 1964.

Constitution and Bylaws

Directly from the National Pi Mu Epsilon Homepage, they can be found here.

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Last modified: 14 June 1999