CSC 390 - Special Topics: Web Programming

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #3 - Styling An Existing Web Site

Due Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Create and test an HTML document that has six short paragraphs of text that describe various aspects of the state in which you live. You must define three diiferent paragraph styles, p1, p2, and p3.

The p1 style must use left and right margins of 20 pixels, a background color of pink and a foreground color of blue.

The p2 style must use left and right margins of 30 pixels, a background color of black and a foreground color of yellow.

The p3 style must use a text indent of 1 centimeter, a background color of green and a foreground color of white.

The first and fourth paragraph must use p1 , the second and fifth must use p2 and the third and sixth paragraph must be p3 .

Submit your assignment by e-mail (to

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