CSC 390 - Special Topics: Web Programming
Dr. R. M. Siegfried
Assignment #2 - p. 94/Exercise 2.14 - A Web Page With A Form
Due Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Create, test and validate an XHTML document that has a form with the
following controls:
- A text box to collect the user's name
- Four checkboxes, oneeach for the following items:
- Four 25-watt light bulbs for $2.39
- Eight 25-watt light bulbs for $4.29
- Four 25-watt, long-life light bulbs for $3.95
- Eight 25-watt, long-life light bulbs for $7.49
- A collection of three radio buttons that are labeled as follows:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Discover
Make sure that all your links works, that the XHTML is valid.
Submit your assignment by e-mail (to
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