CSC 372 - Systems II: Compiler Construction

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

108B Alumnæ Hall      (516)877-4482

Office Hours - Tu 3:00-5:00PM; W 10:00AM-1:00PM; Th 3:00-4:00PM

Course Home Page | Announcements | Syllabus | Class notes | Assignments



Modern Compiler Implementation in Java by Andrew W. Appel and Jens Palsberg, Cambridge University Press, 2002.



Midterm exam40%


A term project will comprise the bulk of the assigned work in the course. The specifications for this project will be handed out during the second week of the semester


You are responsible for whatever work is covered in class whether or not you are there. Absence from the midterm and the final exam will be excused only for a good and well-documented reason. The decision to allow a make-up exam will be made in accordance with the policies of Adelphi University.

NB: Assignments are due at the start of class. Late penalties will be assessed and will depend on how late an assignment is, the difficulty of the assignment and individual circumstances.

All students are expected to conform to the University's standards of academic integrity. Violations of these standard, including (but not limited to) plagiarism or misconduct during exams, will be dealt with in accordance with University regulations and procedures.