CSC 370 - Computer Architecture and Organization

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #6 - p. 183/4-7a, 4-10, 4-11; p. 185/4-22

Due Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Design a combinational circuit that converts a 4-bit Gray code (Table 1-6 or in the Lecture #2) to 1 4-bit binary number. Implement the circuitwith exclusive-OR (XOR) gates.


Design a 4-bit combinational circuit 2's complementer. (The output generates the 2's complement of the input binary number.) Show that the circuit can be constructed using exclusive-OR (XOR) gates. Can you predict what the output functions are for a 5-bit 2=s complementer?


  1. Design a 4-bit combinational circuit incrementer. (A circuit that adds one to a 4-bit binary number.) The circuit can be designed using four half-adders.
  2. Design a 4-bit combinational circuit decrementer. (A circuit that substracts one to a 4-bit binary number.) The circuit can be designed using three full-adders and a half-adder.


Design an excess-3-to-binary decoder using the unused combinations as don't-care conditions.

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