CSC 370 - Computer Architecture and Organization

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #10 - Translating Java into IA-32 Assembler

Due Friday, December 8, 2023

  1. Translate the following statement into valid IA-32 assembly language:
                            x  = (4*x + y *z);
  2. Translate the following set of instructions into valid IA-32 assembly language:
         if (a > b)
               x = 2 * y;
               x = y / 2;
  3. Translate the following set of instructions into valid IA-32 assembly language:
         for (i = 100;  i > 0;  --i)
                 a = a + 5;

    Use the loop instruction to construct the loop.

  4. Translate the following set of instructions into valid IA-32 assembly language:
                a = 25;
                while (a > 0)   {
                      y = y + a;
  5. [Back to the Assignments List]