CSC 343 - Data Structure

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

407 Science         (516)877-4482 

For assignment submission:

Office hours: MWF 10:00-10:50AM; F 1:00-2:00PM

Course Home Page | Announcements | Syllabus | Class notes | Assignments

The syllabus is also available in PDF.

Course Description and Purpose

Expand on topics learned in CSC 172. Examine, implement, and analyze common data structures such as stacks, queues, lists, trees, heaps, and graphs. Understand how to choose an appropriate data structure for a real-world problem and use it in solving such problems.

Gen Ed Learning Goals and Distribution Requirements

Quantitative Reasoning

Course Learning Goals

Students will be able to write programs in C++ and solve problems, using data structures such as stack, queues, lists, trees and heaps. Students will be able to analyze the efficiency of sorting and searching algorithms given different types of data sets. Students will know how to implement these data structures.


C- or better in CSC 156 and CSC 270


Data Structures Using C and C++, 2nd ed., Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Prentice-Hall, 1996.



The assignments this semester will require students to use Microsoft Visual Studio to design, code, compile, debug and submit programs written in C and C++. Students may opt to program on Adelphi.s Linux system, Panther, using the GNU C++ compiler and the text editor vi.


Each programming assignment will be graded with a base grade of 90%, with points added to reflected areas in which the assignment exceeded specified requirements and/or points deducted to show areas where the assignment is deficient.

Late penalties may be assessed of 2 points per class after the due date.

The final average will be weighted (based on the following ratio:

Programming Assignments 25%
Quizzes 25%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%

The final average will translate to a letter grade according to the following table:

Final Average Course Grade
A 90 – 100
A- 87.5 – 89.9
B+ 83.3 – 87.4
B 80.0 – 83.2
B- 77.5 – 79.9
C+ 73.3 – 77.4
C 70.0 – 73.2
C- 67.5 – 69.9
D+ 63.3 – 67.4
D 60.0 – 63.2
F 0.0 – 59.9


The following is the Adelphi University General Attendance Policy:

Only students who are registered for courses, and whose name appears on the Official Class Roster may attend courses at the University. Adelphi students make a commitment to be active participants in their educational program; class attendance is an integral part of this commitment. Attendance requirements for each course will be announced by the faculty member at the beginning of each term. Students are expected to be present promptly at the beginning of each class period, unless prevented by illness or by other compelling cause. In the event of such absence, students may request that faculty members be notified by the Office of Academic Services and Retention. Students are responsible for completing course work missed through absences. Students should wait a reasonable length of time for an instructor in the event that the instructor is delayed.

Additionally, you are also responsible for whatever work is covered in class whether or not you are there. Absence from the final exam will be excused only for a good and well-documented reason. The decision to allow a make-up exam will be made in accordance with the policies of Adelphi University.

NB: I will not be available on Monday, October 3, Wednesday, October 12, Monday, October 17 nor Monday, October 23. We will meet on Tuesday, December 6 at our regular meeting time and classroom to make up one of these classes.

Additionally, Monday, October 3, Monday, October 17 and Monday, October 24 will be open labs days. Attendance will be taken and you will have the opportunity to submit assignments that are due. Additionally, there will be video presentations available on the class website to watch in lieu of a live lecture.

Attendance will be taken. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the time to complete programming assignments.

NB: If the University is closed for more than two days due to an emergency, go the home page for this course site each day for instructions and assignments. Student instructions materials can be found at

Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)
Date Topic Assignment due
August 29 Data Abstraction and a Review of Object Orienting Programming
August 31 Data Abstraction and a Review of Object Orienting Programming
September 2 Data Abstraction and a Review of Object Orienting Programming
September 7 Stacks
September 9 Stacks
September 12 Stacks
September 14 Stacks Assn 1- A Concordance Program
September 16 Recursion Assn 2 - Page 115 Exercises 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3
September 19 Recursion
September 21 Recursion Assn 3 - p. 69-70/2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-8, 2-13, 2-17, 2-18
September 23 Quiz - Recursion
September 26 Queues and Lists Assn 4 - Page 85, Exercise 2.2.8
September 28 Queues and Lists Assn 5 - Page 139, Exercise 3.2.2
September 30 Queues and Lists
October 3 No class . video presentation on Queues and Lists Assn 6 - Running the Recursive Fibonacci Program
October 5 Queues and Lists
October 7 Trees
October 12 No class . Made up on December 6
October 14 Trees Assn 7 - Using A Linked List To Manage Inventory
October 17 No class . video presentation on Trees Assn 8 - Traversing Binary Trees
October 19 Review for Midterm Exam
October 21 Midterm Exam
October 24 No class . video presentation on Trees
October 26 Trees Assn 9 - Using A Binary Tree To Manage Inventory
October 28 Sorting
October 31 Sorting
November 2 Sorting Assn 10 - Creating A Heap and Sorting It
November 4 Sorting
November 7 Searching
November 9 Searching Assn 11 - Sorting an Array of Character Strings
November 11 Searching
November 14 Searching
November 16 Graphs
November 18 Graphs
November 21 Graphs Assn 12 - Constructing a multiway search tree of order 3
November 28 Graphs
November 30 Graphs
December 2 Garbage Collection
December 5 Garbage Collection Assn 13 . Managing inventory using an array and a hash table
December 6 Garbage Collection
December 7 Garbage Collection
December 9 Review for Final Exam Assn 14 . P. 557/Exercise 8.3.1
December 12 Review for Final Exam
December 14 Final Exam (10:30AM-12:00 PM)

Students With Disabilities

If you have a disability that may significantly impact your ability to carry out assigned coursework, please contact the Student Access Office (SAO) at 516-877-3806 or send an email to The staff will review your concerns and determine, with you, appropriate and necessary accommodations. Please allow for a reasonable time frame for requesting ASL Interpreters or Transcription Services.

Honor Code

Students enrolled in this course are expected to abide by the Adelphi University Honor Code. The purpose of the Honor Code is to protect the academic integrity of the University by encouraging consistent ethical behavior in assigned coursework by students. Following is excerpted from the Student Honor Code:

The code of academic honesty prohibits behavior, which can broadly be described as lying, cheating, or stealing. Violations of the code of academic honesty will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Fabricating data or citations
  2. Collaborating in areas prohibited by the professor
  3. Unauthorized multiple submission of work
  4. Sabotage of others’ work, including library vandalism or manipulation
  5. Plagiarism: presenting any work as one’s own that is not one’s own
  6. The creation of unfair advantage
  7. The facilitation of dishonesty
  8. Tampering with or falsifying records
  9. Cheating on examinations through the use of written materials or giving or receiving help in any form during the exam, including talking, signals, electronic devices, etc.

Student Course Evaluations

During the last two weeks of the class, you will receive notification, via mail and eCampus, that the course evaluation is available for your input electronically. Availability will end at the start of the final examination period. Your feedback is valuable and I encourage you to respond. Please be assured that your responses are anonymous and the results will not be available to the instructor until after the end of the semester and therefore after course grades have been submitted.

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Warning – This page must be signed and returned to the instructor to receive a complete grade in this course.