CSC 272 - Software II: Principles of Programming Languages

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

A Pascal program to read a text file

  { Comments are enclosed in braces or in (* and *) }
  { Braces are more commonly used                   }

  { Constants, if they are declared go at the top   }
    FileNameLength = 20;
    ArrayLength = 10;

  { Type declarations go next }
    {*  Although types do not have to be declared in *}
    {*  order to declare string variables or arrays  *}
    {*  it is considered good style.                 *}
    FileNameType = String[FileNameLength];
    ArrayType = ARRAY[1..ArrayLength] OF Integer;

    {*  Variable declarations go next.  Procedure     *}
    {*  declarations go afterward, if there are any.  *}

    FileName : FileNameType;
    InputFile : Text;  { A text file }
    Vector : ArrayType;
    i, VectorLen : Integer;
    {  Get the file name and open it }
    Write('Enter file name  ?');

    { Associate the file with the DOS name }
    Assign(InputFile, FileName);
    { Open it for input }

    VectorLen := 1;  { Assignment statement }
    WHILE NOT Eof(Inputfile) DO
        {*  To use a ReadLn to read a file,       *}
        {*  the file name goes first in the list  *}
        ReadLn(InputFile, Vector[VectorLen]);
        VectorLen := VectorLen + 1
      END;  { while not eof }
    VectorLen := VectorLen - 1;
    {*  WriteLn stands for "write line" - there  *}
    {*  is a carriage return added at the end    *}
    FOR i := 1 TO VectorLen
      DO WriteLn('Vector[', i, '] = ', Vector[i]);
  END.  { ReadFile }

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