CSC 271-Software I : Utilities and Internals

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #6 - Using Basic File Commands

Due Wednesday, September 20, 2017

You are going to use various commands to accomplish the following:

  1. Use echo $HOME to determine your home directory.
  2. Use du to find out how many disk blocks your home directory, its files and its subdirectories and THEIR files use.
  3. Create a subdirectory called assn6 .
  4. Copy two file into this directory from your home directory. Create a link for each file.
  5. Create a new text file, and determine from its long directory listing what your permission mask must be.
  6. Change your permissions default using umask so you have read permission and your group and the rest of the world have no permission.
  7. Use umask to reset your default permission to the way that were previsouly.
  8. Find absolute path of the online manual page for umask .
  9. Copy and paste your Panther session into Notepad .
  10. Submit your file as hardcopy or on Moodle.

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