CSC 270 - Survey of Programming Languages: Scheme (Racket)

Varieties of Data

Varieties of Data

Mixing and Distinguishing Data


Predicates for user-defined structures


Redefining distance-to-0

Another example: Square and Circle

Finding the perimeter of a shape

Designing Programs for Mixed Data

Data Analysis and Design



Developing Data Representations

Changes in the Perimeter Program

;; perimeter : shape --> number
(define (perimeter a-shape)
	[(circle? a-shape)(circ-perimeter a-shape)]
	[(square? a-shape) (sq-perimeter a-shape)]
;; circ-perimeter : shape --> number
(define (circ-perimeter a-shape)
  (* (* (circle-radius a-shape) 2)pi))
;; sq-perimeter : shape --> number
(define (sq-perimeter a-shape)
  (* (square-length a-shape) 4))

Input Errors

Checking for Input Errors

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