CSC 175 - Intermediate Computer Programming

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

407 Science           (516)877-4482 

Office hours: M 2:30-3:30PM; Tu 5:00-6:00PM; W 2:00-3:00PM; F 9:55-10:55AM

Course Home Page | Announcements | Syllabus | Class notes | Assignments

Course Description and Purpose:

Students explore object-oriented programming principles and techniques for solving problems. Students study class relationships (composition, inheritance, polymorphism, data-abstraction), file processing, exception handling, recursion, use of built-in language specific data structures. Students develop software-engineering skills and habits; develop a variety of applications that require storing, processing, sorting and searching data collections.

Learning Goals

Students will be able to write more complex programs in Java, using multiple object classes. Uniform Modeling Language (UML) and test cases.


CSC 171


Absolute Java, 6th edition by Walter Savitch and Kenrick Mock, Addison-Wesley, 2016.



The assignments this semester will require students to use a BlueJ as an interactive programming environment and the Jada Development Kit (JDK) to create, compile and execute programs. This is available on computers on campus, but can be installed on students' own computers if they wish.

While there will be opportunities to use class time for assigned work, this will be more for debugging and other assistance that students require in class than for completing assignments. One should expect to spend 2-6 hours outside class working on programming assignments for this class.

No assignment will be accepted more than two weeks after the due date, or after the last class, whichever comes first.

Students are expected to turn in through Moodle.



Each programming assignment will be graded with a base grade of 90%, with points added to reflected areas in which the assignment exceeded specified requirements and/or points deducted to show areas where the assignment is deficient.

Late penalties may be assessed of 2 points per class after the due date.

The final average will be weighted (based on the following ratio):

Programming Assignments20%
Midterm Exam25%
Final Exam25%

Late penalties may be assessed of 5-10 points per week after the due date. The final average will be weighted (based on the following ratio):

Final Average Course Grade
A 90 - 100
A- 87.5 - 89.9
B+ 83.3 - 87.4
B 80.0 - 83.2
B- 77.5 - 79.9
C+ 73.3 - 77.4
C 70.0 - 73.2
C- 67.5 - 69.9
D+ 63.3 - 67.4
D 60.0 - 63.2
F 0.0 - 59.9


The following is the Adelphi University General Attendance Policy:

Only students who are registered for courses, and whose name appears on the Official Class Roster may attend courses at the University. Adelphi students make a commitment to be active participants in their educational program; class attendance is an integral part of this commitment. Attendance requirements for each course will be announced by the faculty member at the beginning of each term. Students are expected to be present promptly at the beginning of each class period, unless prevented by illness or by other compelling cause. In the event of such absence, students may request that faculty members be notified by the Office of Academic Services and Retention. Students are responsible for completing course work missed through absences. Students should wait a reasonable length of time for an instructor in the event that the instructor is delayed.

Additionally, you are also responsible for whatever work is covered in class whether or not you are there. Absence from the midterm and final exam will be excused only for a good and well-documented reason. The decision to allow a make-up exam will be made in accordance with the policies of Adelphi University. Students missing a quiz will only be allowed to make it up for a good and well-documented reason. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Attendance Online

If I come under quarantine, the class will move to an online format. I will provide as much notice as I can if this occurs. The link appears at the top of page 1 of the syllabus and on Moodle.

If you are under quarantined or have a valid and documented reason to be medically unable to attend in person, please let me know as soon as possible. Attendance online is a privilege, not a right. I will provide recordings of class with their links on Moodle. In addition to regular office hours, I will make myself available online by appointment to student who have missed class for valid and documented reasons.

If I allow you to attend an in-person class via Zoom, you are expected to have your cameras enabled for the duration of class, except when I am lecturing. Failure to do so may result in revocation of this privilege.

NB:I will not be available on Wednesday, April 24 or on Monday, April 29; there will be no lecture those days, but the lab section will take place. We will make up the missing classes in lab on Wednesday, April 22 and on Friday, April 26.

If the University is closed for more than two days due to an emergency, go the home page for this course site each day for instructions and assignments. Student instructions materials can be found on Moodle and at

Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)
Date Topic Assignment due
January 24 Introduction to Java
(Quiz in Lab)
Assn 1 - An Exercise in Java
January 27 Introduction to Java Assn 2- Converting Kelvin to Celsius and Fahrenheit
January 29 Introduction to Java Assn 3 - Converting pounds to kilograms
Assn 4 - How Many Seats Are Left in a Class?
January 31 Introduction to Java Assn 5 - Payroll for a Progressive Company
February 3 Introduction to Java Assn 6 - Finding out the batting averages for the starting line-up.
February 5 Introduction to Java
(Quiz in Lab)
Assn 7 - Finding Fibonacci Numbers
February 7 Writing Classes
February 10 Writing Classes Assn 8 - Rewriting the Payroll Program to Include Income Tax
February 12 Writing Classes Assn 9 - A Class for a Name
February 14 References and Packages
February 17 References and Packages Assn 10 - Enhancing a Class for a Name
February 19 References and Packages
(Quiz in Lab)
February 21 Strings Assn 11 - Writing an Immutable Class for Time
February 24 String Assn 12a - A Very Basic String Program
February 26 Strings Assn 12b - A Less Basic String Program
February 28 Arrays Assn 12c - An Even Less Basic String Program
March 3 Arrays
March 5 Arrays
(Quiz in Lab)
March 7 Structuring Data Assn 13 - Calculating a Diver¿s Score in a Competition
March 10 Structuring Data
March 12 Midterm Exam
March 14 Structuring Data
March 24 Inheritance Assn 14 - Creating a Phone Book
March 26 Inheritance
(Quiz in Lab)
March 28 Inheritance Assn 15 - Creating a Set of Payment Classes
March 31 Polymorphism Assn 16 - Selling Movie Tickets
April 2 Polymorphism
April 4 Polymorphism Assn 17 - Running the LateBinding Program
April 7 Polymorphism
April 9 Polymorphism
(Quiz in Lab)
April 11 Exception Handling Assn 18 - Creating a Set of Payroll Classes
April 14 Exception Handling Assn 19 - Find the average of n non-negative numbers
April 16 Exception Handling Assn 20 - Converting Date Format and Catching Exceptions For Bad Data
April 18 Lecture section will NOT meet
but there WILL be lab
April 21 UML Diagrams
April 23 Files Assn 21 - Writing a UML Class Diagram
April 25 Files Assn 22 - Finding the Average of Numbers stored in a text file
April 28 Recursion (Quiz in Lab)
(Lecture continues in the Lab)
Assn 23 - Writing and Reading a Binary File
April 30 Recursion Assn 24 - Running 2 recursive programs
May 2 Recursion (Quiz in Lab)
May 5 Interfaces Assn 25 - Writing a recursive program
May 7 Review for Final Exam
May 9 or 11 Review for Final Exam
TBA Final Exam

Student Access Office and Disability Accommodation

If you have a disability that may significantly impact your ability to carry out assigned coursework, please contact the Student Access Office (SAO) at 516-877-3806 or send an email to The staff will review your concerns and determine, with you, appropriate and necessary accommodations. Please allow for a reasonable time frame for requesting ASL Interpreters or Transcription Services. Because of the additional challenges of instruction during the pandemic, it is especially helpful for the instructor to be aware of students' need for accommodations.

Student Counseling Center (SCC)

The Student Counseling Center (scc) provides confidential and professional virtual mental health counseling services, resources, and referrals to support the academic and personal success, health, and well-being of Adelphi students without additional charge. Especially with the additional stress resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, students are encouraged to seek support from the SCC when needed. Counselors are available to help students cope with a variety of stressors and personal issues that may interfere with their academic and personal experiences. The Center also supports students who may be feeling suicidal or in crisis. To schedule an appointment, please call (516) 877-3646, email If you need immediate assistance, walk-in services are available during the fall and spring semesters Monday-Friday 9am-5:00pm. Additional information can also be found by visiting

Need support when the SCC is not available? For 24/7 emergency counseling, referral, or assistance, please contact:

The Learning and Writing Centers
Email: (516) 877-3200 Nexus 129

The Learning and Writing Centers comprise a single department and student support service, with missions rooted in helping students achieve academic success. Services, delivered via fellow peers working as student tutors, are centered around providing academic support and engagement outside of class and are free to all Adelphi students.

Learning Center tutors mainly focus on specific academic areas - like Biology, Nursing, Accounting, or Computer Science - while Writing Center tutors focus on writing, across all academic disciplines and across the entire writing process-from thesis construction, research, and organization to grammar, language, and citation.

Honor Code

Students enrolled in this course are expected to abide by the Adelphi University Honor Code. The purpose of the Honor Code is to protect the academic integrity of the University by encouraging consistent ethical behavior in assigned coursework by students. Following is excerpted from the Student Honor Code:

The code of academic honesty prohibits behavior, which can broadly be described as lying, cheating, or stealing. Violations of the code of academic honesty will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Fabricating data or citations
  2. Collaborating in areas prohibited by the professor
  3. Unauthorized multiple submission of work
  4. Sabotage of others' work, including library vandalism or manipulation
  5. Plagiarism: presenting any work as one's own that is not one's own
  6. The creation of unfair advantage
  7. The facilitation of dishonesty
  8. Tampering with or falsifying records
  9. Cheating on examinations through the use of written materials or giving or receiving help in any form during the exam, including talking, signals, electronic devices, etc.

In addition to filing an Academic Integrity Violation Report, you will receive a failing grade on the assignment, the exam, one or more parts of the term project and possibly in the course.

Student Participation in Remote/Online Courses and Recording/Sharing of Video Course Content

Students enrolled in remote, online or hybrid courses are expected to actively participate in those courses, which includes consenting to be part of recorded class sessions. Classes may be recorded at the discretion of the faculty to provide students with access to recordings outside of class (asynchronously). Students may also be recorded while taking remote exams.

Students are encouraged to remain on camera while learning in a remote or online format to facilitate interactions with instructors and classmates. All students are encouraged to speak with their instructors at the beginning of the semester about any challenges or potential limitations to their on-camera participation in a remote, live-streamed or online class.

Additionally, in order to protect the privacy of other students enrolled in the course, students will refrain from allowing family members or others participate, listen in, or otherwise impinge upon the shared virtual space of the remote or online learning classroom. Students are prohibited from recording or sharing in any way video content from in-person or online classes with others, pursuant to The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), a Federal law that protects student privacy. Sharing of content is defined as discussing or disclosing any and all information about a student in the presence of others, electronically, in person, or otherwise. See also, the Adelphi University Code of Conduct.

Student Course Evaluations

During the last two weeks of the class, you will receive notification, via mail and eCampus, that the course evaluation is available for your input electronically. Availability will end at the start of the final examination period. Your feedback is valuable and I encourage you to respond. Please be assured that your responses are anonymous and the results will not be available to the instructor until after the end of the semester and therefore after course grades have been submitted.


All materials in the class will be disseminated via the class's Moodle page. This includes lecture handouts, assignment information and any other content relevant to this course. I will mirror most (but not all) of this content on the web site for the class, whose URL appears at the top of page 1.

Religious Observance Policy

Adelphi University welcomes diversity in its community, and policy respects various religious observances. Students who anticipate being absent, due to their religious observance, are required by Adelphi University to notify their professors at the start of the semester. This will allow the faculty to take these observances into consideration in light of their course exam and assignment schedules. Students absent from class, clinical experiences, practice, labs, etc. on those days, after prior notice to the professor, will not be penalized for any exam or assignment deadline missed because of those absences. Students must contact the instructor to work out suitable arrangements for make-ups or other satisfaction of academic requirements.

Diversity Statement

The University is a diverse community of individuals. This diversity makes us stronger. I will treat all my students respectfully and equitably and everyone will be treated fairly regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity or immigration status. I expect you to reciprocate in how you treat me and or your classmates.

COVID-19 Policies

Fall 2022 health and safety policies were announced to the Adelphi community on July 19, 2022 and are available on our COVID-19 website.

Course Mask Policy

For Fall 2022, Adelphi University has a mask-optional policy in most public spaces. Masks will be optional in most, but not all, spaces on campus. The New York State Department of Health requires masks in all healthcare facilities, regardless of vaccination status. Therefore, appropriate face coverings will be required at our Health Services Center, the Hy Weinberg Center for Communication Disorders, all Center for Psychological Services locations and the Student Counseling Center.

In addition, faculty may require masks in instructional spaces. Please continue carrying an acceptable face covering with you in case you are asked to wear one. We appreciate your support of every individual's choice and comfort level about masking. Free masks are available in various locations at Adelphi.

The policy for this class is mask optional. This may change if circumstances require it.

In The Event Of Illness or Quarantinea

Should you become ill with COVID-19 or be required to undertake a quarantine or isolation period, please take the following steps: