CSC 174 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #6 - Calculating A Discriminant

Due Monday, March 7, 2016

Write a program that will read in 3 16-bit integers: a, b and c and calculate

b2 - 4 a c
and then print the answer. Please note that c is a reserved word in Assembler and cannot be used as a variable name. You are required to print it out as opposed to using DumpRegs . Using input is extra credit.

This will require you to know how to do multiplication in assembler as well as some basic input/output. The sample program below should help:

TITLE Multiply	 (Mult.asm)
;This program reads in and multipies 2 16-bit integers
; and then prints the result.

; Robert M. Siegfried
Prompt	BYTE	"Enter a number   ?", 0
Message BYTE	"The product is: ", 0
Product	SDWORD	?
main	PROC
	mov	edx, OFFSET Prompt	; EDX must have the string's offset
	call	WriteString		; Call the procedure to write a string
	call	ReadInt			; Call the procedure to read an integer
	mov	x, eax			; The integer is read into AL, AX or EAX

	mov	edx, OFFSET Prompt	; Read another integer 
	call	WriteString
	call	ReadInt
	mov	y, eax

	mov	eax, x			; AL AX or EAX must have the
					;  multiplicand
	cdq				; Clear the EDX register
	imul	y			; One operand - the multiplier
	mov	Product, eax		; The product is in AL, AX or EAX
					; The lead bit (if it overflows) are
					; in AH DX or EDX
	mov	edx, OFFSET Message	; Print the answer
	call	WriteString
	mov	eax, Product		; The value must be in EAX
	call	WriteInt

main	ENDP
	END	main

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