CSC 171 - Introduction to Computer Programming

Lab Assignment #27 - Writing a VERY Basic Class

Due Tuesday, December 14, 2021

We have seen how to write a REALLY basic class:

class Student(object):
    # Simple Student class
    Attributes go here

A constructor is a method that we use to create an instance of a class; these instances are called objects. Here is an example of one:

# Initializes the object
    def __init___(self, first='', last='',id=0):
         self.first_name_str = first
         self.last_name_str = last
	 self.id_int = id

Self refers to the object itself. First, last and id are initial values that we give the constructor so it can initialize first_name_str, last_name_str and id_int the three attributes of the class.

We also need a method called __str__ that can return our object as a character string, so we can print the object's data. It would look like this:

# String representation, eg, for printing
      def  __str__(self):
            return "{} {}, ID:{}".format\
		     (self.first_name_str, self.last_name_str, id_int)

We can create an object of this class by writing
my_student = Student("John", "Smith")

I can print out its contents by writing

It will print out
John Smith, ID:0
because I didn't specify an ID number

Create the Student class and initialize with a name and an ID number. Then create a class called Course, which has three properties: Department Abbreviation (e.g, "CSC"), a course number (e.g,, "171"), and the number of credits. Then create an instance of a course, give it some initial data and print it out.

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