CSC 171 - Introduction to Computer Programming

Lab Assignment #1 - Installing Python and Run Your First Program

Due Monday, August 29, 2022

  1. Open your browser and type in tm On the bar directly below the title pythontm, you will find Downloads. Click on it.
  2. You can choose Windows or MacOS X. Choose the appropriate one: Windows for PC; MacOS X for a Mac.
  3. On the bottom of your browser you should see the file python-3.8.5 (if it’s not there, look in your Downloads folders). Open that file.
  4. Answer the various prompts. You should end up with the Python interpreter and the IDLE interactive development environment installed on your machine.
  5. Open IDLE. Then choose File - New . You will now have another window on then screen where you can enter a program.
  6. Enter the following code:
  7. Run the program
    1. If you get an error message, check what you entered; it may not be the same.
    2. Once there are no error messages, run the program three with the inputs: 32, 72, and 212. Record the results and submit the file

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