CSC 160 - Computer Programming for non-Majors

Assignment #6 - Writing the payroll to include Income Tax

Due Thursday, October 8, 2015

You should have alsready written a payroll program for a company where single people get paid $10 per hour and married people get paid $15 per hour and they get paid an extra $1 per hour for their first four children.

Your program will now deduct income tax according for the following income tax brackets:
Weekly incomeIncome Tax Rate
Under $300No Tax
$300 - $399.995%
$400 - $599.998%
$600+ 10%
As before your program will ask whether the employee is married or not. You will read in a "0" for single and a"1" for married. Then you will ask how many children the employee has. Then you will ask for the number of hours worked and calculate gross pay income tax and net pay. As usual, the employee will get time and a half after 40 hours.

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