Structure Summary

What is a structure:

·         Data type you create with parts

·         Can contain an array / Can be contained by an array

·         Passes by value unless explicitly by pointer

Defining a struct:

·         struct workerstuff {        int rate, hours, gross;} ;

·         Use Typedef

o   just the tag: typedef struct workerstuff Worker;

o   the entire structure typedef struct  { int rate, hours, gross;} Worker ;


·         single struct variable

o   option 1 with combined def : struct workerstuff { int rate, hours, gross;}  worker;

o   option 2 referencing earlier definition: struct workerstuff  worker;

o   If typedef used: Worker worker;

·         Array of a structure

o   struct workerstuff  workerArr[];

·         Pointer to a structure

o   struct workerstuff  * workerPtr;

Access variable:

·         single struct variable – dot :  worker.rate;

·         Array of a structure - Access via dot and subscript:  WorkerArr[1].rate

·         Pointer to a structure - Access via arrow :   workerPtr->rate or (*workerPtr).rate


·         Definition by choices, not parts

·         Takes on the size of the largest possible choice

·         Definition:  union number {int x; int * p;};

·         Declaration and use have the same syntax as structure.


·         Naming constants, integer underlies it

·         Use it to create a variable with only those possible choices

·         Definition: enum days { SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THUR, FRI, SAT};

·         Declaration: enum days day;

·         Use: day = SUN;

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