In class exercise on classes
Make a circle class with just a private radius.
Make a constructor that takes in a radius.
Make a method that prints a radius (in and out nothing)
Make a main method that creates 2 circles of radius 5 and 8 and then prints the radius.
Add method to subtract a circle (in circle, out new smaller circle)
Make the main method subtract the two circles and print the resulting circle.
Add an array of id numbers for the circle. You do not know how many. It will need to change the constructor to take in the number of id numbers and add a destructor. Make the destructor release memory and also cout the radius and the word bye and a new line. Change your main method to include a number of ids.
Add a fordsCircle class that inherits the circle and adds a circle_type that is standard string. Make a constructor that takes in a radius and standard string. Make a print method.
Change the main method to create a fordsCircle object. Print it.
Add a method to compare the fordsCircle circle_type to a standard string. The compare method will take in standard string and return either true for same as circle_type or false for not the same.
Overload the compare method by accepting a constant character string as input. (const char * x)
Change your main method to call both the 2 new methods.
Change your radius to be a question you ask the user and receive the radius.