Assignments should be done using the free BlueJ development environment over Java Platform Standard Edition 8. (Java SE 8u11). To install the BlueJ environment, please do the following:


1) Download BlueJ

a) go to:

b) Download an installer that matches your operating system



     * If you use windows, click on "bluej Combined Installer" to download

* If you use a mac with operating system 10.7.3 (Lion) or later (Mountain Lion, Maverick), click on "BlueJ Installer (includes oracle jdk)" to download

* If you use a mac with an operating system older than 10.7.3 (Early Lion or before), right click on "BlueJ Installer (uses Apple jdk)" to download.

(Mac installs are not combined with JDK because Java is already a standard install on the Mac.)


            c) Click and run the downloaded BlueJ version to install it.



3) Install course specific modifications: (Credited to Dr. Steven Bloch and Dr. Lee Stemkowski)

·        Download the appropriate version by right clicking the link and choosing save target (or link) as, and then choosing the desktop: 

o   Mac – the Mac Version     

o   Windows - the windows version 

·        Remaining instructions for PC:

o   Find the bluej_stuff zip file on your desktop and right click to unzip. (If you do not have the option to unzip the folder, you will need to download 7zip from )

o   Open the unzipped folder called bluej_stuff..

o   Right click on installstuff.bat to run it as administrator

o   Verify that you do not see many “access denied” messages, which indicates the program was not run as administrator. 

o   Launch BlueJ and verify that the help menu has the csc171 website.

o   Note that the readme file inside the zip file may help troubleshoot problems with this installation. 

·        Remaining instructions for Mac:

o   Open finder. Click applications. See either bluej folder or bluej bird. If you do not see the folder, look in your downloads folder and drag the bird into applications. (If you only saw the bluej folder, double click to expand it.)

o   If you see bluej-legacy instead of bluej: put all your bluej folders from applications and downloads into the trash and restart your bluej install.

o   Go to your downloads folder to see the bluej_stuff folder. Click it to get inside the folder.

o   Click the file. It should open a terminal window.

o   Read what that window says. It should not say “#!/bin/sh”.  It should not say “could not find bluej” or “error”.

§  If it says “#!/bin/sh”, go to finder, then applications, then utilities and then terminal and then navigate to the downloads folder and then ./

o    Launch BlueJ and verify that the help menu has the csc171 website.


4) Start BlueJ


·        If there are no java versions available, please return to the main bluej site to download and install oracle JDK. (The combined installer should, but I found it did not recently.)

o   Go to ; click on oracle jdk; choose Java SE 8u20 download; choose to accept the license and then download the 86 or 64 bit version of jdk. Double click the download to launch the file.