Help fixing page numbers that do not work on Word 2007.
These instructions will help when your album is done, but the page number on your first photo page is 3, and you want it to be 1.
You don't want the same footer on the table of contents page and the first
photos page. Using a section break (which I call a hard break) instead of just
a page break (which I call a soft break) will help. Both a section break and
a page break can advance to a new page, but only a section break can let you
create different footers. So to fix, try the following, and let me know if you
can't fix it, so I can make you a movie if I have time:
1. Open your document.
2. To reach draft mode: hit the view tab and then the draft icon.
3. Get rid of the page break (that you might not be able to see) between the
table of contents and your first page by doing -> Put your cursor right before
the first word on your first page and hit "backspace" until you reach
the number 5.
4. Insert a section page break after the number 5 by doing: Hit the page layout
tab and then down arrow next to the word "break" which is on the page
setup pane. Chose "next page" under section breaks (DO NOT CHOOSE
"page" under page breaks.) You will now see the word "section
5. Even though you now have 2 sections, the headers and footers are all hooked
up to be the same. Because you have 2 sections though, you now have the option
to unlink them. To unlink the footer and header, put your cursor on your first
photo and choose the insert tab and down arrow on footer option and then choose
"edit footer". You will see the words "same as previous"
and you want them to go away. Click on the link to previous option (which is
in the design pane that popped up when you entered the footer) and see the words
"same as previous" disappear. That is what you want.
6. Now, you can add a page number into the footer and start it at one. Click
Insert tab, and then click page number and then choose "format page numbers"
and then and click the "start at" button and set that to start at
7. You can also go back into the footer of the table of contents and erase everything
now. Since it is not hooked to the second section, anything you do in section
1 will not effect section 2.