CSC170 Final Web Project
This project  replaces your final exam. If you finish it and have a grade for it on Moodle, you will not have to attend the workshop that is held during the final exam date. If you do not have a grade, you must attend the final exam workshop. (This final exam workshop follows the dates from Adelphi's final exam schedule.)

Start by designing your layout:

Web project layout

You can choose from two projects:

Web Resume Project

Free Website Project

Here is a reminder of your web skills

You can place your navigation bar in a table you copy to each page, or use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). To learn how to use CSS to create a navigation bar, see here .

You can use other advanced features such as embedding UTUBE movies, javascript, or even making pictures of words using fireworks. If you want to use some advanced features, learn about them here.