Excel Stats Workbook Exercise to Learn Formatting, Concatenation of Text, Sorting and Some Formulas – Open Office Instructions

(Note: If you are on a mac, you might need to press Control while you click your mouse in order to get a “right click” menu.)

Step 1: Copy in data: Watch Video Instructions

If that link does not work or you prefer other statistics, go to:

  • http://www.nfl.com/
  • click on stats
  • click the words "complete list" next to the item you want to see.
  • Copy the data from the web site into your spreadsheet:
    • First copy the rows of information on this page to excel.
      • Start at the "Rk" heading and copy down through the last player on this page. Right click and choose copy. 
      • Then, start / program / openoffice / spreadsheet and then “right click” on A1 and choose paste.
    • Remove hyperlinks by highlighting the entire sheet (click between A and 1 to highlight the entire sheet) and then choose format / default formatting to remove the hyperlinks.
    • Your sheet should look like the following (with different information but the same headings):



  • If you do not end up with a spreadsheet that looks like the one above: just download this starter spreadsheet instead:
    • Right click on starter sheet to see the context menu. 
    • choose "save target as"
    • choose "open"
    • You can highlight an entire spreadsheet by clicking on the upper right square
    • You can remove hyperlinks by using format / default formatting
    • Different browsers handle copying tables differently

Step 2: Formatting: Watch Video Instructions

  • Put a light border around all cells with something in them (highlight all cells with data by clicking ctrl end [ or FN ^ ->] and then use the scroll bars to get back to the top and hold shift and then click A1. Then right click to format cells / border / and click on a thin line and then click on outline and inside. )
  • Wrap cells so you can see the entire player name: (format cells / alignment / make the “wrap text automatically” checkmark solid and not gray)
  • Add a header saying Runningback Stats and a footer with page number (Format / Page and then header tab / then edit / and then in custom header   type "Runningback stats" and press ok and then click the footer tab and then edit and then down arrow on the footer and choose a page number format and press ok twice)
  • Change it to print landscape instead of portrait (longways): (Format / Page and then choose the page tab and click landscape)
  • Print preview and see how it would print. (file / page preview and scroll down to see next pages then close preview.
  • Change to print column headings at the top of each page: (Format / Print Ranges / Edit and then down arrow under “rows to repeat” to change it to “user defined” and then type $1 to indicate row 1 should repeat. Then choose OK) 

  • File / Page preview to see it shows now prints column headings on every page. But see that you would have to tape together 2 pages to get all columns across. Close Preview.
  • Make it smush to one page wide – without adjusting the column size: (File / Page /   page, sheet, down arrow below “scaling mode” and choose “fit print ranges to width/ height” and then set width to 1 and height to 99. )   It will never stretch to 99 pages, but will squeeze to 1 wide.  
  • File / Page preview to see you no longer have the extra pages with the small columns and also verify it is at least 2 pages. If it is only one page, you might have chosen 1 high.  Close Preview.
  • Try scrolling around the spreadsheet to see some problems:
    • Scroll down and see headings move.
    • Scroll across and lose player names.
  • Change to show headings on screen as you scroll down and across. ( Click once on C2 and then window /  freeze) It will freeze to the left and above the highlighted cell.
  • After you freeze, Scroll down and across and see the labels stay still

Step 3: Concatenate Text: Watch Video Instructions (Excel is the same for this so you can follow this video in your open office spreadsheet.)

  • Add a column to show ‘ player name played on team name ‘ using the values from the player and team columns. (Insert a column by highlighting row C and right click to choose insert. Then in C2, type = and click on the name and then type & " played on " & [be sure to put start and end with the ampersand and use the double quotes] and then click on the team and then enter. (If you cannot click on the team because it is covered, just type in the cell number.) Right click C2 to copy and then paste to all the cells below it. )

Step 4: Calculating simple references: Watch Video Instructions  

  • Add a column to show the sum of each players 20+ and 40+ (Insert a column by Highlighting all of column T by clicking the T and then right click to choose insert. Type = in T2 and then click on R2 and then type + and then click on S2 and then press Enter. Right click to copy T2 and then highlight all the empty cells in column T and right click to paste)
  • Sum the total yards column. (Put your cursor below the last yard - J52 - and type "=SUM(" and then highlight all the numbers above and then press Enter)
  • Find the average of the yards (  Put your cursor below the total  - J53 - and hit   insert function on the left - and choose average - then highlight all but the total cell.)
  • Find the maximum values in the yards column. (Repeat above while moving down one row each time, but select the max function instead)
  • Find the standard deviation of the yards. (Just repeat above but select the stdev function instead. - Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out these numbers are - For more details on the meaning of standard deviation, read this, and notice how easy Excel or Open Office Calc makes complex formulas.)

Step 5: Calculating using absolute reference: Watch Video Instructions (Excel is the same for this so you can follow this video in your open office spreadsheet.)

  • Add a column to show the % of total yards for each player. (Insert a column by highlighting the K column and right click to insert. In K2, type = and then click on J2 and then "/" and then click on the total J52 and press enter. Try to copy it down and find that it keeps moving the J52. Back in K2, change J52 to J$52 and try the copy again.)

Step 6: Sort Watch Video Instructions 

  • Sort by player name (and make sure you do not change their stats). (Highlight all the rows you want to sort, which is every row.  You can highlight the entire sheet by clicking the box between A and 1. Then Data / Sort  and choose the options tab and click “range contains column labels” to tell it not to sort your heading row and then click the sort criteria tab and then down arrow under "sort by" (or column) and choose player and enter.)
  • Sort again by player within team. (Data / Sort and then down arrow under "sort by" (or column) and choose team.  Then down arrow under “then by” and  choose player name. )

Step 7: If Watch Video Instructions

  • Add a column with a “yes” if total yards > 1000 (Insert a column by highlighting the K column, right clicking and inserting. Click on K2 and then insert / function.  Chose category logical and then double click "If" and  see 3 boxes. In the logical test, type "J2> 1000".     Next to value if true, type "yes". Next to value if false, type "no". Remember to include the quotes on yes and no. Copy that formula down. ) Change one yard to be less than 1000 and another to be more than 1000 and see how the result changes in column K.