How to insert VBA code in an Excel worksheet:


Goal: How to insert a VBA script into your worksheet. (not how to code VBA).  Create a spreadsheet that uses a VBA coded function called isBold that shows true when a cell is bolded and false when it is not. Your spreadsheet will just have 2 cells, one that is bolded and one with the isbold function.


Open office note: This will not work for open office as it does not use VBA (but does use alternative scripting languages).


Here is a movie of this entire assignment:


Step 1: Open a spreadsheet you want to insert a VBA script into


Step 2: Open the VBA code window and copy in the VBA code

·         Hit <alt> +  f11 to open code window

·         Hit + on left to find “this workbook”

·         Right click  on “this workbook”  (or on your worksheet) and choose insert / module

·         Copy the code below and paste the following into the code window:

Function IsBold(rng As Range) As Boolean

Application.Volatile True

If IsNull(rng.Font.Bold) Then
IsBold = False
IsBold = rng.Font.Bold
End If
End Function


·         Close the Code window with an X

·         Now you have a new command available to your spreadsheet.


Step 3: Back in your worksheet, use the new function

·         In cell b2, type =IsBold(B1)


·         Type something into b1 and make it bold

·         Calculate by Choosing formula and then calculate now.

o   (If you want to not have to press calculate now, you can put

Application.Volatile True

As the first line following function so that it will recalculate whenever any cell changes.)

·         If the B1 is bold, it will show true, otherwise false.

·         Change B1 to not be bold and then choose formula / calculate now

·         You will need to save the file as a macro enabled spreadsheet (xlsm).


Step 4: Upload this small spreadsheet to moodle.


Note that This isBold script is taken from


Here is one more example if you want to try it.


Another good script I often use is from to Extract a hyperlink address from a cell:


Function HyperLinkText(pRange As Range) As String


   Dim ST1 As String

   Dim ST2 As String



   If pRange.Hyperlinks.Count = 0 Then

      Exit Function

   End If


   ST1 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).Address

   ST2 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress


   If ST2 <> "" Then

      ST1 = "[" & ST1 & "]" & ST2

   End If


   HyperLinkText = ST1

   End Function


Note on Open Office: You cannot use VBA in Open Office, though you can create Basic, BeanShell, JavaScript, Java or Python macros.  This document will help you explore basic language macros in Open Office: