Csc170 003 ethics debate results:


Ethics Debate  on Facebook  


PRO won - Adelphi should participate in facebook




Given Answers

becuase its a service that could help people break the ice and become friens with people and see the interest that they share

The argument on how this is a free country.

I am pro Adelphi participating in facebook because like Michael Neiss argued in the disscussion board, only the people you allow as your friends can see information your profile so your information is not everywhere. Also because we are college students and we should use common  sense when it come to talking to people on facebook and know not to try to meet that person due to the fact thatit is unsafe.

Adelphi should participate in Facebook because it becomes a part of a national connection of universities and colleges.  Privacy should not be an issue because there are many choices a member is given to privatize certain information in their profile.  Facebook is a personal choice. Every student can chose whether or not to have an account and whether to privatize it.  Therefore the arguements about security issues did not sway my vote.

i voted that way because facebook is an option to students to participate. if  they feel it is wrong then they should not make a face book.

Even though I was on to Pro side of facebook that is not the only reason I voted that way.  I believe that peope made very good points.  It is a free country and we should be able to do what we want. I believe that people should be able to use facebook and if THEY decide to exploit themselves by tagging pictures of themselves that may have negative effects on their reputation than they have no one to blame but themselves! But I also believe that they shouldn't let students have facebook and then say that student-athletes should not have facebook. Being a student-athlete at Adelphi. I do not agree with this. Like I said before it is the persons decision what pictures are on there and what information they post!

I think that it is Ok for Adelphi to participate in facebook because when you are in college, in my opinion, you are an adult. Even though people are still immature when they are 18-22 years old, you are supposed to be able to learn independance and facebook allows us to do so. Michale Neiss says that you have a choice and can allow only the people you want to allow to see your profile and that is a reason why it isn't too revealing and shouldn;t really be an issue. Angela Martin brought up the social aspect and I agree that it is definitely a way to make friends and easier to be more open to meeting your peers.

  I was swayed to vote for regulating facebook because of the safety issues involved.  Facebook allows students to connect with fellow classmates but it also poses the risks for people who have bad intentions to connect with them as well.

Angela Martin - There is good and bad in anything.  Just because certain people might be tagged in photos of bad behavior does not leave a good arguement in why a college should not participate in Facebook.  The kids should not be behaving like that in the first place especially if they are under age.  Just because you are an athlete does not make you any better or worse then the next student.  Everyone should be able to do what they want and if that means by making a bad name for themseleves then that is their problem.  Everyone has to grow up sometime

Someone posted that facebook is a great way to meet friends and someone rebuttled that there are better places to meet people, i.e in public settings.

what swayed my vote were the facts that facebook provides access to other students. Making it easy to make new friends and have access to those classmates without having to exchange phone numbers or emails.

I felt the Facebook Con team knew what they were talking about, and they didn't give their personal opinions.

The Con side, gave factual information like the negative impacts it has had on college student lives'. Some listed gov't websites statistics that were helpful in coming to a rational judgement. A fact I found interesting was : a student who posted unfavorable info. about President Bush was investigated by the secret service.



Since people can set their profiles to private so that only the people they want to view it can see it, I think facebook isn't bad if people use it with caution.

There were hardly any posts that argued why Adelphi shouldn't participate in Facebook. Although, I thought both sides were pretty weak.

I voted Con for the facebook debate particularly because of Brady O'Malley's argument.  He brought up a very good point of, "invasion of privacy" by which facebook brings about whereas the pro arguments did not provide detail at all and only wrote two sentences not even bringing up any points to grab my attention.   

Well since I did some research on this topic, I found out that student athletes can get into trouble and put on probation based on the pictures that are up on facebook of them. Yes freedom is allowed but why put someones career in jeopardy. Are people trying to say don't take pictures and maybe this would be prevented? If so, that is unfair why do the athletes have to be conscious of what they're doing while other students get to have fun? The arguement sways more to the con side for me.

I think that adelphi students should be able to participate in facebook, becasue i think that facebook is a good way to get to know your classmates and other people in your school.



Ethics Debate  on downloading music 

CON won - arguing that downloading music should remain illegal.


I am pro downloading music through peer networking because people can always find alternatives for getting music for free. Downloading music is no different from having a friend burn a CD for you, it's all free. Lauren Bochat's argument persuaded me.

  I was swayed to vote against making downloading music legal because this takes money away from artists who make these songs.  If someone was given the choice whether to buy a cd or download the song for free, they would obviously choose the free deal.  It's not fair to the artist who will lose money from a decrease in cd sales.

Downloading music for free is STEALING! there is no other way to look at it....The way that one girl put it that it is like stealing a sweater is very true.  Musicians make music to sell...people buy music to listen to...When you download a song off the internet the whole selling and buying part doesnt EXIST! basically musicians make music for people to listen to for free.. I dont care that musicians do other things to make money they are MUSICIANS! they should be making their money off the music that they made.  And for the people who said that a lot of people do  it so it should just be legal...basically your saying a lot of people do drugs so they should just legalize drugs! I think that it should be illegal to download music for free.

i believe that steeling music rights is wrong. it is convenient and free and even though the musicians are millionaires because of it dont give us the right to steel their music.

Dowlaoding music should remain illegal becasue as the arguements suggested, there are things such as copyrigth laws.  Retrieving music that a musician has made without paying them for their vocal services is stealing.  I appreciate the arguement of showing that downloading music is stealing someone's hardwork.  It is irrelevant that the owner is rich or poor.

The argument on how musicians make their livelihood on selling what they make.

I voted this way because I feel that it is in fact stealing. You do not pay for it. It isn't made to be stolen, it is made to be bought and sold. James Esopa's argument swayed my vote because he gave good examples about the bad programs (kazzaa) and the good services such as (I Tunes). If we need this music off the internet so badly, why can;t we just use the music service that is there for us instead of stealing.

I liked how many of the rebuttals talked about stealing actual people's work. Since plagarism in the school system is highly frowned upon and one could get seriously in trouble it is basically the same thing.

I think that people will always find a way to have free music on the internet for others to download. I think it would be to hard to stop people from downloading music.

its a business it is like plagarism a paper. they do all the work to make money and you are just stealing it

I voted for the con side because they were very factual and again gave out information that was necessary to come to a rational agreement. I was swayed to vote by the fact that there is something called Copyright protection laws-- something I never came to really think deeply about. I also agree with the fact that, yes, musicians are in fact millionaires,but it is their livelihood.  Basically, I came to the realization that downloading music is illegal because not only is it wrong but because it is causing a decline in our economy.

I agree with making music downloads free , not because I do d/l music from the internet but because of its purpose. I simply agree with the pro's arguement because as Amber Vera said you can get music for free anywhere, people will always find a way to d/l music. I also agree with Matthew Billia when he states that he doesn't understand why millionares are complaining about their music being free. In my opinion, if it wasn't for the people who actually listened to their music then they would never get the fame that they have today; if artists are all for their fans then why are they trying to take away something so useful to people who can't afford to buy their cds. My vote goes to the pro's.

I voted that con  won because there were several arguments given that I could not even prove to be wrong.  For example, Cristina Giannandrea provided a great website of Copyright Protection Laws proving that downloading music illegal.  In addition if you look at some of the pros, such as Matthew Billia who only wrote his opinion of only a couple of sentences and did not back it up with facts from websites or articles therefore it did not sway me pro-music in any way at all. 

The con team just kept repeating the same argument over and over--stealing is bad.

downloading should remain illegal because of the work put into a product that then gets sent around for free without any royalties paid to the artist. it is essentially ripping off musicians but also will never be stopped. on a positive note due to the downloading boom CD prices have returned to reasonable prices in relation to the 27 dollars a album before downloading got big.

Music should be able to be shared from person to person, however i dont think that you should beable to burn CD's from these programs.

My own argument - Downloading music without paying for it is stealing.  There is no other way to look at it.  It doesn't matter if its from another person (peer to peer).  Musicians make their money by selling their music  Yes, these musicians make money from other sources like advertising and appearances, but their main income is from their music.  Like Shanti said, you wouldn't go to a store and steal a designer sweater.  Well, music downloading is the same idea.  Its taking something thats not yours and something that you didn't pay for.  A common response from people who download music is that "everyone does it." Its safe to say that alot of people DO do it and use services like or However, theres also many people who don't illegally download and actually pay for it. These people use services like ITunes.  (


************************************************************************Ethics Debate  on computers in education

CON won (barely) - Arguing that money should be spent on other areas of elementary education instead of increasing spending for computer elementary education.  (won at 58%)


there are viable reasons for the increase of spending in elementary schools and reasons for not. Since the years spent in elementary schools are so vital to the development of the mind and body which will lay a foundation for further education. Arguments can me made to make these children more active in physical activities such as athletics as well as group work with one another. I am torn between the argument because i understand either side of the argument.

The argument on saying that money is spent way to much on one area and not on others.

I believe and agree with Nicole Marino and Meghan Manders. I think that the idea about physical education programs being funded by the schools is definitely more important than computers. Childhood obesiity is a huge issue right now. Having healthier foods in schools is defintely more important than having better computers. Also, most children sit at their computer when they are home anyway so while they are at school they should be learning to communicate and get things done without usiing a computer .

Computers are becoming a bigger part in society now and children should learn how to use them since so many people use computers daily.

I think that if you start kids early on computers it will only make them better. Also these days everything is done on computers, it will on benifit the children.

Matt Gianturco -

With the addition of internet access in elementary schools the access to literature and reseach informantion is readily available. With computers available to students in elementary schools course cariculums can be altered so that learning can be used via internet. Then incorporating the computer with group work as well as extra ciricular activities. And with the decreasing condition of text books and out dated versions of given books the introducion of computers will provide up to date information so that accurate resources and ideas may be used in the class room as well as at home. Now computers in school can also provide the opportunity of higher learning to those who arent fortunate enough to have a computer in their homes." In 1997 39 million children ages 3 to 17 years used a computer at school, compared with only 25 million children who used a computer at home" (paragraph 5 line 2). All around I believe that spending on technology for elementary education is a good idea but only if executed properly and monitored to prevent anything inappropriate. Computers are extremely powerful pieces of equipment and if used properly they can be a enormous advantage in the learning process but as well it also can used inappropriately.

the problem with america is we are to high tech. we cant think for ourselves and if we start that at a young age sooner or later the world will be ran by technology and we wont have to do anything

I thought both sides did a good job, but the pro group did something the con group didn't do much of: start a debate instead of just furthering it. The con group mostly just replied to our posts instead of starting their own threads. Also, I thought the pro group cited more evidence.

There should not be an increase in technology funding in elementary schools because there are many more important things to spend the money on.  America is battling a wide variety of health issues like suggested when argueing about obesity and diabetes as well as heart disease.  Physical education is extremely important for elementary school children.  Also, computers do not supply enough support for full childhood development.  Artistic skills and writing skills are extremely important at this stage in life.  Technology decreases the chances for children to acquire and develop important skills.

  I was swayed to vote against more funding for computers in elementary schools because of the obesity epidemic.  More money should be poured into physical education programs so that children can be given the opportunity to live healthier lives.

computers are important because their is alot of information  on them and it can help educate kids. it will help find information about a topic without buying expensive books and spending hours looking for the right stuff

I voted con indicating that more money should be spent on other areas of elementary education instead of increasing spending for computer elementary education because of  Matt Gianturco's argument.  He interestingly linked a major problem in today's society, "Obesity," to this computer issue.  I thought it was very clever to bring that point when trying to persuade the audience because let's admit, it shows good thought was put into the assignment and proved to be valid. 

The issue on lack of funding for extracircular activities really swayed my vote. Kids are becoming couch potatoes.

The argument that swayed my vote was the one by Nicole Marino. She had a good source to back her up her argument about how scientists say that computer generated experiences do not give children a sense of real life. I believe that because of this media congested world, too many chidren are not learing. Education today is too worried about making everything visual in order to stimulate a child's mind that it's veering traditional education methods such as reading books.  

I voted for Pro side (school's should increase their budget on computer's) becuase this is my debate topic.

I believe that computer's should be introduced at a younger age for the fact that student's would get a proper hands-on experience at a much earlier age. At a young age, they will learn all the useful applications and tools. Kid's are like sponge's, and at a small age they would absorb it much faster. Also, I believe that living in a industrialized society, everything revolves around the computer, so it is best to be on the bandwagon, then learn it later on, even if it means the child only knows one thing about the computer.

My arguement was swayed by the pro's because of Radha's statements. She said that "even though dependence on something is bad for one's development, living in a world where technology dominates every field, computers is something that should to be instilled at a younger age," I think that this is true because in today's society computers are needed for almost everything. As the years go by computers are going to get more and more advanced and students who do not know who to use this rising technology might not be able to fulfill certain tasks that are demanded by our society. Computers are basically a neccessity and learning to use them at a young age would be helpful.

I think that the Con side had very good arguements regarding that the teacher is the most important part as well as physical education and healthy food.  Even though we live in a very technological world we still have to teach the children to think on their own.  Computers could basically do anything for you now a days.  You don't even have to leave your house to live.  I think that we should balance the money put into schools to make a healthy balance of phyiscal activity, healthy food, computer education and teachers to guide the children. 




Ethics Debate  on myspace

Pro won: Parents should restrict their teenagers from using myspace



My vote goes for restricting teenagers from using myspace because the pro's arguements were strongly convincing. I agree with David Rodrigez when he states "Of course supporters of my space will argue that banning teens from the website will not stop pedophiles because they will continue to target whomever they can.  In opposition to this argument, the actual definition of a pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to young people.  But if supporters of my space still don't budge, I have this to say.  Young adults who are targeted will have much more common sense when it comes to meeting people that they talk to online.  The fact is that many teenagers are very naive and feel that they are invincible and cannot get hurt.  That is why they go and do stupid things like this without realizing the great danger they are putting themselves into." Young kids now a days are exposed to such things on myspace that it affects their concentration and can harm them in many ways. I think being restricted from this web site would give a helping hand in preventing pedophiles from getting to young children.

Myspace is creepy and it is not safe for young kids becasue you dont really know who you are tlaking to.

Teenagers should be allowed to use myspace as long as they keep their profile private and are safe while using it. It can also help them learn how to use the computer better.

I think David Rodriguez's first post is what made choose the pro group. He makes a good point about the need to revamp MySpace.

David Rodrigez argument about myspace convinced me to be pro. Similar to what he said, I believe that myspace is a positive attribute to teenage life because it allows not only teengers but people in general to keep in touch with each other. I feel that myspace can also open up many opportunities for people who are interested to get involved in career fields that associate with myspace.   

There are a lot of crazy people in the world.  Like some people meantioned that there are incidents on the news of people posing as people who they really are not and then meeting up with children.  It is a Pedophiles heaven.  They can go on the internet and pose as ANYONE they want to.  They can be 18 one day and then 13 the next with out even having to leave their house and then make arrangments to meet.  It is crazy that this actually happens.  Parents should regulate what their child can do on the internet. Being a parent is hard enough with having to deal with who they are friends with or peer pressure in school, having to worry about who your child is talking to and meeting up with from the internet is just insane.

I do think that young teens on myspace is a negative thing. I agree with Tamara Ramsay when she said that it is disturbing to look at a young girl in a revealing outfit, telling the world that she is single. It is scary to me because I think about my little cousin who is 11 years old and she knows a lot more than I ever did and it is mainly because of the internet and such things like Myspace. She doesnt have an account, but she is able to look at peoples' pages becaause Myspace let's you browse without actually haveing an account and that is scary to me. All of the pedifiles out there have a field day with looking at Myspace's of young teens and it is really disturbing to even think about that. Even though you can put a profile on private, many young teens especially girls do not do thjat because they WANT people to see what they look like because they are feinding for attention and want to grow up too fast. That is why I agree that parents should restrict young teens from using Myspace.

I voted for the Pro: Parent's should restrict their children from using MySpace.

Yes Myspace is fun, and the newest craze out there, but there are much more better things out there. Many believe that they have now learned to put up blogs of all sorts, but that is just the beginning to learning about a computer and its applications.

I was convinced by the arguements that stated that many teenagers have the mentality that they will never be stalked by a pedophiler. There are also many dangers to having this website. The fact that convinced me was that some have even lost their job due to having a myspace account.

The argument on how myspace is allot of fun and if you are smart you would not give your information away to strangers.

I voted pro for this debate because of Tamara Ramsay's argument.  She proved with great detail the dangers of myspace for a teenager and proved the scare it brings among parents.  Those two things are enough to make the audience want parents restricting their teenagers from using myspace.  However, she also brought up the good point that myspace is open to anyone which can literally mean anyone which is HIGHLY dangerous.   

  I was swayed to vote for restricting teenagers on myspace because the dangers of this website are much greater than the benefits. 

Someone wrote about kids using myspace to make new friends but there are many child predators out there that lure kids by telling them they are the same age as the child.

Just watch to catch a predator

Amber Vera - 

Teenagers should be allowed to use myspace because it does have a lot of good purposes that people use it for. Myspace is a great way to keep in touch with friends from high school, junior high school, etc. Many teenagers use Myspace to find peers that they haven't seen or spoken to in a long time. Others also use this website to make new friends that may have similar interests.

Having many artists on Myspace may also be a benefit for teenagers. Knowing that upcoming artists or new albums, for example help teenagers stay informed on new music. Using bulletins on Myspace may also assist in alerting everyone that there is a social event going on.

Many users also use Myspace for networking purposes. Users that are in a similar field that one may want to go into, may help the teenager to be able to get his foot into the door of that company.

Overall, Myspace is a great tool to use to stay in touch with friends/peers, know what music is going on, networking, and a great way to make new friends. This site is safe because one can make their own profile as "private" so that only "friends" could see their profile. In my opinion, those that have their profile as "public" are just asking for trouble.

i think that parents should restrict them because people can find to much information about a person. If a parent lets their kid go on myspace they should secure the myspace my letting the kids friends only be able to see the myspace.

Mysace is a very dangerous site for teenagers. Younger teenagers do not have common sense to know what is truly wrong.  Adults should only be able to use this site becasue they are more mature and have more social experience other people.  Although there is privacy options on Myspace pages, children are too naive to know whether a new friend request is from a sexual predator.  Tennagers also have a natural tendency to need more friends therfore welcoming anyone who asks to chat.  Adults are responsible for their actions, but teenagers need guidlines from their parents therefore parents need to restrict there children from using Myspace.  I know there are always exception to smart young adults, but this is not a way for teenagers to express there social skills.  They need to become socially active in every day situations, not just on a computer which falsely fulfills social needs.  David Rodriguez's arguement about sexual predators swayed my vote with his strong statement and relevant rebuttal.

the use of myspace by teenagers is appalling. the revealing of hidden false identities and possible predators is a dangerous problem. also the revealing of teenagers ability to be stupidly naive.

Parents should get more involved becuase that blog isnt like face book it is more of anyone can join. so more and more kids under age are going on and bad things can come out of it