Social Networking Project  - Issue Position and Bibliography of Five Sources

This is the start of researching your topic, formulating a position and writing citations. This week you will write an Issue Position Statement and Bibliography with no annotations, and you can use all the steps listed below to guide your work. Click here to see how this week's assignment fits into your larger social networking project.

Sample MLA bibliography Sample APA bibliography

STEP 1: Choose a topic:

Possible topics: Please choose a topic relating to a ethical dilemma that has arisen due to technology changes. Click here for a list of possible topics. but please range further for a topic that interests you about the ethics involving social networking or technology.

STEP 2: Research using databases and other sources:

Click here for help finding research material

Adelphi's library page doesn't always show the databases, so here are links to Adelphi's library database resources:

Click here

STEP 3: Write your Issue Position Statement:

STEP 4: Write a Bibliography containing 5 of your sources :

STEP 5: Alphabetize the citations and make each have a hanging indent

A hanging indent will stick out to the left and then wrap around so that it is easy to identify the first word of the citation. This is an example of a paragraph format of hanging indent. It is important to have the hanging indent because your inline citations (in parentheses) will refer to the first word of the citation. Having them indented outwards makes the first word easy to find.

STEP 6: After each source, include answers to these questions:

See the sample bibliography for examples of how the source citations should look.

Grading Rubric:

Quality Value Description
Position Statement 10 Must be something you would need to research to prove. (If your position is something that is too easy to prove, you may find that your arguments reworded would make a better position.)
Arguments 10 Need to have some arguments for and against your position that make logical sense. You do not need complete or proven arguments as you have not yet done much research.
All credible sources 10 No sources are from heavily biased sources or have facts with no clear source
Peer review 10 At least 2 sources must be peer reviewed and peer review answer on the questions must be correct on all sources.
Database 10 At least 2 sources must be from a database; Database name listed in the citation or as an answer to the question.
Proper citation format 30 All one format (APA or MLA) instead of a mix; All portions of a citation included - especially all authors, article title, journal title; Multiple authors correctly formatted;
Hanging Indent 10 Start of citation juts out to the left
Answers to 4 question sin Step 6 10 Have a section of answers to questions in step 6 after every source

Some questions you can ask yourself to be sure you have a good bibliography:

1) Do I have 5 sources?

2) Are all citations the same type, either APA or MLA? Look at the date placement to tell if they are the same format. (Remember that if they are APA, the date written will appear right after the author's names, but in MLA it will be more towards the end. )

3) Do any citations have email addresses in the author's name? (If they do, remove them. This is a problem some citation tools are creating.) 

4) Do I have 5 questions with answers after every citation? 

5) Do I state a position on what I expect my research will prove? (If you think your position is too broad, unclear or weak view this for a discussion on making your position stronger.) 

6) Do I have 2 arguments supporting that position and 2 refuting it? 

7) Is everything in the third person - no "I", "we", "you", "us"?

8) Do my citations have a hanging indent (juts out to the left) and are in alphabetical order? (If you don't know how to make a hanging indent in word or open office, look here)