WEB PAGE material: Some HINTS

(Originally, a class assignment for my Psy 365 students)
(March, 1999-last update)

What kind of material (CONTENT)

Something snazzy, nice, thought-provoking, relevant (words or images).

Where to find it (POSSIBLE SOURCES)

1. On the Web already, at another site. Perhaps the site itself is nifty, or one of the files on it. If so, get the http address (URL) of this nifty item, so you can set up a LINK to it.

If only part of the page or file is relevant, you will have to 'prune' it (download/save/cut & paste/whatever), so just the nifty part ends up in a new, stand-alone FILE that is Web-compatible: in the proper file FORMAT) and name. Use the Panther/Unix command mv to rename.

2. Other computerized materials. Perhaps what you want exists on AOL, in PsychLit, at an ftp site ,etc. rather than on the Web. Make it a stand-alone FILE, editing it as necessary.

3. Quotes from books, photos, etc. Fine. Type in the words or scan the images to create a stand-alone FILE.

How to make it work (FINAL STEPS)

1. Begin by double checking your material, as follows:

For links, the URL must be correct.

For files containing words, the format must be TEXT , (not WordPerfect or some other special program). If directly from the Web, leave it in html form (to preserve the original look). If just plain text, you may have to add some html tags to improve its looks.

As for picture files, they must be saved in JPG or GIF format or converted to it, in order for the Web to display them.

2. Prepare a brief commentary for the material you've chosen. It's probably not self-explanatory. At Adelphi, this means using Panther's editor (called pico ) to create a text FILE called xxxx.txt or xxx.htlm, located in a subdirectory called public_html, within your main Panther acct.

And for ALL borrowed material, give CREDIT to your source

3. Put it into HTML form and your DONE!

HUH??? (Keep reading) :-))

Make the stuff WEB-PAGE READY:

1. To set up a LINK, I recommend you directly copy/paste the link into your web page source (html file) to insure accuracy. (You will need to know the html syntax for putting up site links.)

2. For FILES, the ultimate destination has to be your PANTHER account. (in your public_html directory). In each case, be sure to preserve the original FORMAT of the file you are transferring (text, images, sounds, movie, clip). And you made need to reset the file's permission values (using the chmod go+r command in Panther Unix) so webbrowsers can access this file/page.

Here are some file transfering scenarios:

a. Your file exists at home in your own computer. Fine. Now-- use ZMODEM, FTP, KERMIT or whatever your Internet connection provides, to transfer the file to your Panther account. Did ya know that you can login to Panther remotely (877-3755), using a computer modem? Also, you can login thru Telnet (at the public libraries in Suffolk Co. and thru commercial IPS providers).

b. Your file is on the desktop of a Macintosh here at Adelphi-- use FETCH to move it from the Mac to your Panther account. (Macs are still the most user-friendly, elegant machines around.)

c. Your file is in any-brand computer, but you're stymied--OK SAVE it to disk. You can move it to Panther later.

d. Your file is still out there on Web (and you know its URL)-- Use NETSCAPE or IntExplorer. (Diskette may be required, move later.) Or, sign onto Panther, type lynx and let this little browser move your file directly to your Panther account. (No diskette required for LYNX). e. Your file can be emailed thru the Internet (another solution). For Adelphi students: email it to your Panther account as an attached file and then move it out of Pine into your public_html directory, using the save or export commands in Pine. However, note: some older email programs can not handle non-text files and will, I pray, soon become extinct

Sometimes the trickiest part is figuring out the file name for images embedded in someone else's html page. The most annoying error: failing to save a file in its correct format (e.g., jpg, not photoshop or html or text). And worse--oh never mind, don't get me started on AOL or Microsoft ..

Care enough to make your STUFF Viewer FRIENDLY:

Put up reasonably-sized images or warn viewers about loading times. Check your links regularly, to make sure they're still working. Figure out what KISS means and do it. Be nice, be kind, ENJOY!

Click here for a list of terms used here (useful for creating web pages)
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