Some HTML Tags Explained

The source file for a Web Page contains a series of units, each of 
which is marked by TAGS enclosed by <> symbols.  These tags tell 
the browser how to set up the page.  Here are some of the more 
common HTML TAGS and their meaning:

HTML      this is an html source file (to format your Web page nicely) 
TITLE     make this the title of my Web page (appears up top)
BODY      this part controls the contents of the Web page & its colors 
CENTER    center the text or image that follows.
H1        make text large-sized (H2, H3, etc. make it smaller in size)
B         use bold-face type here
P         begin a new paragraph here (esp. useful/quick for simple text) 
BR        break the text at this point (new line)
HR        draw a horizontal ruler (line) at this point on the page
A HREF=   display this file when user asks (optional link to another site)
IMG SRC=  display this image directly on the page (image source is given)
ALT=      display this text (alternative if browser can't show image) 
PRE       text is preformated, display as is, ignoring embedded html tags.
          How well this works depends on your Web broswer. This page is
          good enough. (XAM, SAMP, TT and PLAINTEXT may also work some.) 

Syntax Note: 
All tags are enclosed in the greater-than/less-than signs. Many of
them are paired in form: they occur at the start and end of an html 
unit, with the end tag  preceded by a forward slash (e.g.,TITLE, PRE). 
Other html tags occur unpaired (e.g., HR, P, BR)

If you want more help learning HTML, follow the links put up by
Lynx (a text-only browser) or use one of the search engines from
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