IVAN PAVLOV (1849-1936): Dedicated to Science

'Remember,' he once wrote, 'science requires your whole life.
And even if you had two lives they would not be enough. Science
demands... the utmost effort and supreme passion.'

Quoted by Paul Chance, Learning and behavior, third edition.

Comment: Of course, my students are not held to such high standards.
But, I do want them to feel in their bones Pavlov's fierce dedication.
Fortunately, Pavlov's wife, Seraphima Vasilievna, was vastly more
patient, practical and even-tempered than he, so their marriage
survived despite many early hardships.

RACHEL CARSON, Marine Biologist and Nature Writer (1907-1964)

"To stand at the edge of the sea...is to have knowledge of things that are as eternal as any earthly life can be." (Under the Sea-Wind )

Carson had such a gift for words, imagine the light she would have shown on science had she lived longer. And now ... nearly 40 years later,in the aftermath of the World Trade Center tragedy, I find her words comforting !

source: http://www.time.com/time/time100/scientist/ profile/carson02.html

from JANE GOODALL (1934- ) some words of wisdom

Click here for Jane Goodall (on our human responsibilities)
includes a picture of her working with a young chimpanzee
(Thanks to www.wic.org/wow/jgoodall.htm)

"We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world
a better place--or not to bother."