Bill Moyers' PBS Series on HEALING AND THE MIND

A brief description of the video tapes of this series, includes the work of Thomas Delbanco, David Eisenberg, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Robert Ader, Dean Ornish and Rachel Naomi Remen. The book, with the same title was published by Doubleday in 1993.

HEALING AND THE MIND: Mystery of Chi (Vol. 1)

On location in Beijing and Shanghai, Bill Moyers, with the help of his guide, David Eisenberg, M.D., of Harvard Medical School, explores traditional Chinese medicine an its approach to healing through "Chi", the energy force that is at the root of all Chinese medicine.

HEALING AND THE MIND: The Mind Connection (Vol. 2)

In this episode of Healing and The Mind Bill Moyers talks with scientists and doctors who are on the frontier of mind-body research. Through careful research to understand how our thoughts, emotions, and even our personalities can affect our physical health, they are gaining new insights into how the mind and body work.

HEALING AND THE MIND: Healing from Within (Vol. 3)

This episode of Healing and The Mind examines two therapies that involve neither drugs nor surgery. One is a form of Buddist meditation; the other, group psychotherapy. Both teach patients to use their minds to improve the healing capacities within their bodies.

HEALING AND THE MIND: The Art of Healing (Vol. 4)

Clinical evidence is beginning to show that patients benefit measurably when their psychological needs are attended to along with their purely physical needs; compassion and caring not only help patients feel better but help them get better. This program looks at medical professionals who are employing a model of medical care based ont he idea that emotional states play an important role in people's vulnerability to disease--and in their recovery.

HEALING AND THE MIND: Wounded Healers (Vol. 5)

The final program in the series, Wounded Healers visits Commonweal, a retreat for people with cancer. The program follows a group of people over the course of a week as they learn to navigate the life passage called cancer. By addressing the afflictions that have wounded their minds and spirits--by listening, supporting and encouraging each other--they recognize one another's unique experience of illness.
