Wildlife Sightings in Denali: what we saw!

Two INLINE IMAGES: Caribou w. new (red)
Mama Bear rearing up, next to our bus;

His antlers are so new, the blood vessels show thru and a piece of the old velvet remains.

Mama bear and cub strolled and ate roots right next to our bus: Here she is in profile

And there was a MOOSE browsing, in clearing near the road!
Click here, to see this guy, *antlers and all* (Thanks to our bus driver/guide, with patience, got him head up.)

The OTHER big excitement was seeing a FOX carrying a ground squirrel; he trotted right by on the shoulder of the road. Very unusual markings --dark, w. mustard shading on his underside. So exciting. The bus driver really knew the park and its wildlife.