The issue is: Cyberbullying has always been an issue throughout children and teens and is still an ongoing issue today.
My position is: As a result of online activity with social media, teens are more inclined to having mental disorders and depression. Parents and schools should be more involved with fighting against cyberbullying.
Against my position
- Bullies who are behind a computer screen may feel more confident and feel the need to bully others ("Pros and Cons").
- Yet some say that cyberbullying is better than other types of bullying because the student being bullied can stand up for themselves over a computer ("Pros and Cons").
- Online, emails, texts and other forms of communication never go away, even if you delete anything you post it will always stay online and cannot be taken back ("Pros and Cons").
- Adolescents are commonly exposed to cyberbullying, but it is rarely frequent or considered serious or disruptive ("Cyberbulling among").
- Cyberbullying
does not involve physical harm to a person making results less
visible, and while texts and emails can be deleted
("Cyberbulling among").
- Some think it is not in the schools power to step in and
discipline students if they are off school property and they are
bullying another student (Billitteri, 401).
- Once students are off school premise the parent or guardian
should step in and discipline their child, it is not the schools
job to do so (Billitteri 401).
Billitteri, Thomas J. "Cyberbullying." CQ Researcher, 2 May 2008, pp. 385-408,
Lampert, Claudia and Verónica Donoso. “Bullying.” Children, Risk and Safety on the Internet:
Research and Policy Challenges in Comparative Perspective, edited by Sonia Livingstone et al., 1st ed., Bristol University Press, Bristol, 2012, pp. 141–150. JSTOR,
Lindfors, Pirjo L., Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino, and Arja Rimpelä H. "Cyberbullying among Finnish Adolescents - a Population-Based Study." BMC Public Health, vol. 12, 2012, pp. 1027. ProQuest, /1313198301?accountid=8204, doi: ProQuest.
“Pros and Cons of Cyber Bullying.” HRF, 24 Apr. 2015,