Preprints & Manuscripts Under Review
Smith DV, Ludwig RM, Dennison JB, Giovannetti T, Fareri DS. Social reward processing and decision-making in younger and older adults. (under review)
Chang LJ, Li X, Nguyen K, Ranger M, Begunoa Y, Chen PHA, Castrellon JJ, Samanez-Larkin GR, Zald DH, Fareri DS, Delgado MR, Tomova L. A neural signature of reward. bioRxiv 2022.08.23.504939; doi: (Preprint).
Fareri DS, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Gee DG, Caldera C, Choy T, Tottenham N. Differential age-related effects of gain and loss contexts on probabilistic reward learning. (under review).
Nicastri C, Dejoie J, Fareri DS, Delgado MR. (under review; invited submission). Reward Learning in a Social World In Armony, J., & Vuilleumier, P. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Human Affective Neuroscience, 2nd Edition. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Chen A, Fareri DS, Güroglu B, Delgado MR, Chang LJ. Towards a neurometric-based construct validity of trust. (accepted). eLife.
Delgado MR, Fareri DS, Chang LJ. Characterizing the emerging mechanisms of social connection. (accepted). Neuron.
Fareri DS, Goff B, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Gee DG, Caldera CJ, Choy T, Tottenham N. Differential age-related effects of gain and loss contexts on probabilistic reward learning. (submitted).
Chang LJ, Li X, Nguyen K, Ranger M, Begunova Y, Chen PA, Castrellon JJ, Samanez-Larkin GR, Zald DH, Fareri DS, Delgado MR, Tomova L. A neural signature of reward. (under review). bioRxiv 2022.08.23.504939; doi:
Brudner EG, Fareri DS, Shehata SG, Delgado MR. Social Feedback Promotes Positive Social Sharing and the Formation of Social Bonds. Emotion (accepted)
Fareri DS, Stasiak J, Sokol-Hessner P. Choosing for others changes dissociable computational mechanisms underpinning risky decision-making. Scientific Reports. 12:14361. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-18437-9
Rodrigues GA, Obeldobel CA, Kochendorfer LB, Brumariu LE, Fareri DS, Kerns KA. Parent-Child Attachment Security and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence: The Meditating Roles of Gratitude and Forgiveness. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-022-01394-9
Bloom PA, VanTieghem M, Gabard-Durnam L, Gee DG, Flannery J,Caldera C, Goff B, Telzer EH, Humphreys KL, Fareri DS, Shapiro M, Algharazi S, Bolger N, Aly M, Tottenham N. Age-related change in task-evoked amygdala-prefrontal circuitry: a multiverse approach with an accelerated longitudinal cohort aged 4-22 years. Human Brain Mapping. 2022 Jul;43(10):3221-3244. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25847.
Fareri DS, Hackett K, Tepfer LJ, Kelly V, Henninger N, Reeck C, Giovannetti T, Smith DV. Age-related differences in ventral striatal and default mode network function during reciprocated trust. NeuroImage. 2022 Aug 1;256:119267. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119267.
Gee DG, Hanson C, Caglar LR, Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Mills-Finnerty C, Goff B, Caldera CJ, Lumian DS, Flannery J, Hanson* SJ, Tottenham* N. (accepted). Experimental evidence for a child-to-adolescent switch in human amygdala-prefrontal cortex communication. Developmental Science. Jul;25(4):e13238. doi: 10.1111/desc.13238.
VanTieghem M, Korom M, Flannery J, Choy T, Caldera C, Humphreys KL, Gabard-Durnam L, Goff G, Gee DG, Telzer E, Shapiro M, Louie JY,Fareri DS, Bolger N, Tottenham, N. (accepted). Longitudinal changes in amygdala, hippocampus and cortisol development following early caregiving adversity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
Brudner E, Karousatos A, Fareri DS, Delgado MR. (2021). To trust or not to trust: How reputations shape our decisions. In Eds. Krueger, F, The Neurobiology of Trust. Cambridge University Press.
Sazhin D, Frazier A, Haynes C, Johnston C, Chat I, Dennison J, Bart C, McCloskey M, Chein J, Fareri DS, Alloy L, Jarcho JM, Smith DV. (2020).
The Role of Social Reward and Corticostriatal Connectivity in Substance Use. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science.2020;5:e200024.doi: 10.31234/
Park B, Fareri DS, Delgado MR, Young L. (2020).
The role of right temporo-parietal junction in processing social prediction error across relationship contexts, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. doi:10.1093/scan/nsaa072
Fareri DS, Chang LJ, Delgado MR.
Neural mechanisms of social learning.
In Gazzaniga MS, Mangun GR, & Poeppel D. The Cognitive Neurosciences, 6th Edition. MIT Press.
Fareri DS, Smith DV, Delgado MR.
The influence of relationship closeness on default-mode network connectivity during social interactions.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15(3):261-271.
Saraiya T, Fareri DS, Lopez-Castro T, Hien D, Fertuck E, Melara R.
The social cognitive appraisal of trustworthiness in individuals with dimensional levels of post-traumatic stress symptoms: A translational study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10:1. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2019.1697582.
Fareri DS.
Neurobehavioral mechanisms supporting trust and reciprocity.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13:271. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00271
Callaghan BL, Gee DG, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Telzer E, Humphreys KL, Goff B, Shapiro M, Flannery JE, Lumian DS, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N.
Decreased amygdala reactivity to parent cues protects against anxiety following early adversity: an examination across 3-years.
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4(7):664-671.
Fareri DS, Delgado MR.
The affective nature of social interactions.
In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ and Davidson RJ. The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions, 2nd Edition. (2018).
Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Goff B, Flannery J, Gee DG, Lumian DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. (2017).
Altered ventral striatal-medial prefrontal cortex resting-state connectivity mediates adolescent social problems after early institutional care.
Development and Psychopathology, 29(5):1865-1876.
Silvers JA, Goff B, Gabard-Durnan L, Gee DG, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. (2017).
Vigilance, the amygdala and anxiety in youth with a history of institutional care.
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2(6):493-501.
Silvers JA, Lumian DS, Gabard-Durnan LJ, Gee DG, Goff B, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Flannery J, Telzer E, Humphreys KL, Tottenham N. (2016).
Early parental deprivation is followed by broader recruitment of neural circuitry for aversive learning during human development.
Journal of Neuroscience, 36(24):6420-30.
Fareri DS, Tottenham N. (2016). Effects of early life stress on amygdala and striatal development.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 19: 233-247.
Gabard-Durnam L*, Gee DG*, Goff B, Flannery J, Telzer E, Humphreys K, Lumian D, Fareri DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. (2016).
Stimulus elicited connectivity influences resting-state connectivity years later in human development: A prospective study.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(17): 4771-84.
Fareri DS, Gabard-Durnam LJ, Goff B, Flannery J, Gee DG, Lumian DS, Caldera C, Tottenham N. (2015).
Normative development of ventral striatal resting-state connectivity in humans.
NeuroImage, 118:422-437.