DIY Tye-Dye Shorts



Steps to make the shorts:

1.      Put your shorts in water to make them wet before you add any dye.

2.      Wring the denim so it's not soaking wet.

3.      Tie as many rubber bands around your shorts as you like. It doesn't matter how you do it and how many rubber bands you use. Less rubber = more dye.

4.      Put hot water in the bucket and add the dye. On the package it says you should add 500 ml water per package, but I used more water to make sure that most of the denim will be covered.

5.      Carefully place the wrapped shorts in the bucket. It's important that you don't forget to put on the rubber gloves (like I did) - unless you enjoy dyeing your fingers as well.

6.      Extra: For better results you can add 250 g of table salt. Mix it into the water.

7.      Flip the shorts every now and then for an even result. If necessary you can put a heavy item on top to push the denim down into the water. I used a glass jar with stones in it.

8.      Leave the shorts in the dye for about 30 minutes and thoroughly wash all the extensive dye out under the tap. I used the kitchen sink - not to worry, the dye doesn't stain metals!

9.      Once the water is all clear, you can wash the shorts in the wash machine.

10.  When ready, put them in the dryer or lay flat to dry. And VOILA... you're done!