CodeLab Registration and Purchasing

What is CodeLab?

CodeLab is an online program for learning and practicing computer programming. CodeLab is available to you anywhere you have access to the world wide web. It is delivered and supported by a company called Turing's Craft. Their home page is .

How to Start Using CodeLab

The first 10 exercises in CodeLab are free so you can start doing the CodeLab homework before paying. But first you must register to get a username and password and put yourself on your instructor's CodeLab roster.


  1. Go to --OR--
  2. Click "Register for CodeLab".
  3. Later, during enrollment, use the following Section Access Code:


  1. Go to --OR--
  2. Click "Login to CodeLab". The username is the email address given during registration. The password is the password selected during registration.

After you log in for the first time, you should click PREFERENCES to change your password. PREFERENCES also will let you set a nickname to use for your username instead of your email address, and will let you set screen size dimensions for your CodeLab.

Once registered, you can submit solutions to 10 exercises. To be able to work with all exercises, you need to obtain full access, which costs $25:

Getting full access

  1. Log in to CodeLab.
  2. Click LOBBY.
  3. Click the button "Get Full Access".
  4. Follow the directions (options include paypal, ecommerce, check for a $2 handling fee, and payment keys).