Arithmos XXXXVIIII - Frege
- From: Saturday, September 27, 2014, 2:00 pm
- To: Sunday, September 28, 12:30.
- Location: Danbury, CT
Western Connecticut State University
Higgins Hall, room 206
- Contact: Chuck Rocca,
- Readings:
- We will read Begriffschrift By Gottlob Frege,
which can be found in Van Heijenoort's A Sourcebook in Mathematical Logic 1879-1931.
- Time permitting, we will also read the letters from and to Bertrand Russell that follow.
- Schedule:
- Saturday, 12:00, optional lunch for early arrivers
- Saturday, 2:00 pm, afternoon session begins
- Saturday, 6:30 pm, optional dinner
- Sunday, 9:00 am, morning session begins
- Sunday, 12:30, farewells and optional lunch
Last modified: August 24, 2014.
Rob Bradley /