Arithmos XII - Descartes
- From: Saturday, February 28, 2004, 2:00 pm
- To: Sunday, February 29, at 12:30.
- Location: Western Connecticut State University
Danbury, CT
- Contact: Ed Sandifer,
- Readings: All of these excerpts are from Descartes'
Gé ometrie in the Dover edition, with the original
French text interleaved with the English translation by Latham
and Smith.
- Reading List:
- pages 2-5 geometry and arithmetic
- pages 9 + 11 Descartes justifies adding inhomogeneous quantities
- pages 12-15 quadratic formula
- pages 17-33 problem of Pappus
- pages 95-99 algebraic method of finding tangents
If time permits:
- pages 44-47 "Descartes' compass" - that odd device to draw mean
proportionals that appears so often, along with the context in which
Descartes designed it
- pages 113-115 Conchoid of Nicomedes and Cartesian ovals.
- Schedule:
- Saturday, 12:00, optional lunch for early arrivers
- Saturday, 2:00 pm, afternoon session begins
- Saturday, 6:30 pm, dinner
- Sunday, early, optional fun run
- Sunday, 9:00 am, morning session begins
- Sunday, 12:30, farewells and optional lunch
Last modified: January 25, 2004.
Rob Bradley /